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Why does Matthew Arnold in the study of poetry says that poetry has a great future?

Why does Matthew Arnold in the study of poetry says that poetry has a great future?

Arnold’s belief that poetry should both uplift and console drives the essay’s logic and its conclusions. “The future of poetry is immense, because in poetry, where it is worthy of its high destinies, our race, as time goes on, will find an ever surer and surer stay.

How does Arnold explain that poetry is an impassioned expression?

Like Wordsworth, Arnold believes that poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge. It is the impassioned expression of what is in the countenance of all science. Arnold also thinks that the greatness of a poet lies in his powerful and beautiful application of ideas of life.

What does Matthew Arnold mean by the historical estimate real estimate and personal estimate?

The Historic Estimate  The Historic Estimate places the historic context above the value of the art itself. The Historic and Personal Estimates often overshadows the Real Estimate. But Arnold also says that it is natural.  It is fallacious estimate that deals with the poets of past.

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Does Arnold consider all kinds of poetry to be of equal value which forms are less valuable and why?

Arnold is against direct moral teaching; he regards didactic poetry as the lowest kind of poetry. Poetry plays an eminent role in life. It is more important than religion. Poetry of Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton and the like is a serious criticism of life, and therefore good poetry.

What is the study of poetry called?

The efforts of ancient thinkers to determine what makes poetry distinctive as a form, and what distinguishes good poetry from bad, resulted in “poetics”—the study of the aesthetics of poetry.

What is poetry according to Wordsworth?

Wordsworth also gives his famous definition of poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility”, and calls his own poems in the book “experimental”. A fourth and final edition of Lyrical Ballads was published in 1805.

What is touchstone method by Matthew Arnold?

“Poetry is interpretative by having natural magic in it, and moral profundity”. Touchstone Method is a short quotation from a recognized poetic masterpiece ‘The Study of Poetry’ (1880), employed as a standard of instant comparison for judging the value of other works.

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How does Arnold define poetry?

Poetry according to Matthew Arnold: According to Matthew Arnold, poetry is “simply the most delightful and perfect form of utterance that human words can reach”; It is, “a criticism of life under the conditions fixed for such a criticism by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty.”

How does Arnold differentiate the poetry of northern France from the poetry of southern France?

Arnold says that the high quality of poetry lies in its matter and its manner. He differentiates between the poetry of northern France and the poetry of southern France. The poetry of southern France influenced Italian literature.

Which are the two estimates that supersede the real estimate of poetry according to Arnold?

Arnold contrasts the real estimate to “two other kinds of estimate”, the historic estimate and the personal estimate. The real estimate of the poetry can be superseded by these two “fallacious” estimates.

What is the social value of poetry according to Arnold?

According to him THE FUNCTION OF POETRY is to interpret life for us, to console us, to sustain us. He says if SCIENCE IS APPEARANCE then the POETRY IS EXPRESSION and there is no appearance without expression. Then Arnold talks about setting our standard for poetry high.

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What is the meaning of poetry in literature?

poetry, literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

What is the difference between idea and idea in poetry?

“For poetry the idea is everything; the rest is a world of illusion, of divine illusion. Poetry attaches its emotion to the idea; the idea is fact.” This is said by Matthew Arnold. According to him IDEA is supreme and in poetry it is the idea that matters, that is attached by poetry through emotions.

What is Arnold’s argument in “poetry”?

At the root of Arnold’s argument is his desire to illuminate and preserve the poets he believes to be the touchstones of literature, and to ask questions about the moral value of poetry that does not champion truth, beauty, valor, and clarity. Arnold’s belief that poetry should both uplift and console drives the essay’s logic and its conclusions.

Why don’t he fulfillment 1 of poetry?

‘T HE F UTURE 1 of poetry is immense, because in poetry, where it is worthy of its high destinies, our race, as time goes on, will find an ever surer and surer stay. There is not a creed which is not shaken, not an accredited dogma which is not shown to be questionable, not a received tradition which does not threaten to dissolve.