
Is being sensitive a good thing?

Is being sensitive a good thing?

“Sensitivity has many strengths, such as good awareness of what is going on around us, empathy, more creative thinking, the ability to deeply process and think about big issues, etcetera. “Sensitive people feel more easily stressed by a deadline but are also especially empathetic and good in understanding people.”

Can you be too sensitive?

It’s important to understand that sensitivity is a personality trait. Being “too” sensitive is not a disorder. Like being quiet or being thoughtful, it’s not necessarily a bad trait, even though each can pose its challenges.

Is being too sensitive a weakness?

Sensitivity is often seen as a sign of weakness in our culture, especially when a sensitive person experiences too much stress. We can easily become overwhelmed by too much sensory input, doing too much and ignoring our limits or just by being surrounded by too many people.

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Are You too sensitive when someone cares about you?

[…] When someone cares about you, they don’t say things like “you’re too sensitive” or “you’re so emotional”, they actually become more sensitive to your sensitivities. Don’t fall for the “you’re too sensitive” game. It is played by those who want to get away with their own bad behavior.

Is “you’re too sensitive” an insult?

“You’re being too sensitive” — in the wrong hands — is almost always an insult. While, yes, sometimes an emotional response to a situation may be incommensurate, it’s a sentiment that too often passes as a legitimate argument or, worse, concern.

Are You Too Sensitive in a relationship?

At the same time, consider this: Maybe you are “too sensitive.” Maybe you do overreact sometimes. But the people who love you understand this, honor it as best they can, and give you room to have your feelings and work them out—alone or together with them, as necessary.

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Why am I so sensitive all of a sudden?

When we experience something that triggers that old fear, we have a tendency to flood emotionally, and what might have been a momentary emotional response can turn into a much longer emotional response. When someone tells me I’m being too sensitive, it’s giving me feedback that my reaction is bigger than the moment deserves.”