Tips and tricks

Is Madara immune to genjutsu?

Is Madara immune to genjutsu?

No one said he was immune, it’s just that madara’s special mangekyo ability was not about genjutsu. Btw, no one knows what his special ability is. Besides, normal uchiha genjutsu is strong but normally if you notice it you can escape it, especially a ninja at hashirama’s level.

Can Itachi put Madara in genjutsu?

So Madara is no doubt very skilled in genjutsu. Itachi wouldn’t be able to beat madara in pure genjutsu, that kind of fight would probably end in a stalemate or with madara as the victor. Izanami and Izanagi are also out.

Why did Madara not use genjutsu?

If you remember he actually used genjutsu to control Kurama to fight against Hashirama. Saying that he did not use Genjutsu because he felt it was not real, is actually not true. He rather used it on other useful elememts to make it more real, like Kurama.

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What can Madara do with the ultimate genjutsu?

Madara was able to put the Raikage Ay under Genjutsu. Madara used the Ultimate Genjutsu to put everyone in the world under his control. Madara can infinitely do whatever he wants under this Genjutsu. He has the infinite Tsukuyomi, with his base Sharingan lol.

Why does Madara use Izanagi on himself?

Madara has used the Izanagi onto himself so he can rewrite reality and make himself come back to life after being dead for years. Madara was able to put the Raikage Ay under Genjutsu. Madara used the Ultimate Genjutsu to put everyone in the world under his control. Madara can infinitely do whatever he wants under this Genjutsu.

How does Madara’s Susanoo work?

This is Madara’s complete Susanoo. It now has two dagger like weapons in which it holds with its forward facing hands. However, it can hand the weapon to the opposite side and can confront enemies who try to attack Madara from behind. Madara’s clones are also able to use Susanoo, complete with lower bodies.

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How does Madara’s gunbai protect him from Naruto?

(Description:) By channeling chakra through his gunbai, Madara can erect a large circular barrier, durable enough to completely block the large chakra receiver stakes thrown with great force by Naruto in his Tailed Beast Mode.