
How important is English in Hong Kong?

How important is English in Hong Kong?

One hundred years of British ruling has cemented the importance of English in Hong Kong as a functional lingua franca – judging that English is paramount for international trade and business, and central to Hong Kong’s economic and social wellbeing.

Is English the main language in Hong Kong?

The Basic Law of Hong Kong states that English and Chinese are the two official languages of Hong Kong. During the British colonial era, English was the sole official language until 1978 but has remained a strong second language in Hong Kong.

Why are Hong Kongers so afraid to speak English?

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One of the reasons given by Ms Tam for Hong Kong students being less able to speak in English is the lack of confidence. I would say the main reason is the lack of practice and motivation, which stems from the education system.

What language is most common in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong/Official languages
Cantonese remains dominant with 96\% percent. As for Mandarin, 48\% of Hong Kong’s population can speak it, compared to 46\% of population that can speak English. Previously, English was the second most spoken language.

How did English develop in Hong Kong?

Early in the eighteenth century, English was used in Canton (Guangzhou), a key trading area. Between the mid eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this kind of English gradually developed from Canton English, which was spoken as a jargon, to Chinese Pidgin English, which was still widely used in the south of China.

What is the official language in Hong Kong?

Why is English the official language of Hong Kong?

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The fact that English is one of the official languages of Hong Kong and the fact that the city was colonised by the Great Britain an English speaking country could have something to do with the popularity of educational establishments at which you can further your study or even start to learn English in Hong Kong.

How can we promote English in Hong Kong?

For one, the government needs to do more to promote English in Hong Kong. Government officials need to lead by example, by having at least a reasonable grasp of English as well as demonstrating a positive attitude and a willingness to speak the language, which they appears to fall short on at times.

Does Hong Kong need to protect its bilingualism?

I agree with Mr Lee’s argument that Hong Kong must protect its bilingualism, on which the city has prided itself ever since it was colonised by the British. Twenty years on from the handover, English is still an official language of Hong Kong, and is still the international lingua franca.

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What are the benefits of living in Hong Kong as an expat?

This has one major benefit for the majority of expatriates: street signs, as well as official documents, are always written in both Chinese and English. Moreover, this heightened status of the English language in Hong Kong means that certain professions demand an ability to speak English.