
Are there different types of souls?

Are there different types of souls?

Although there are plenty of souls in the world, there are only 7 types of them, sometimes also called rays. Just as each of us has a personality type, so does each of us have a different, unique type of soul.

How do I know if I am an old soul?

Signs you have an old soul

  • Material possessions don’t matter much to you.
  • You focus on meaningful connections.
  • You need a lot of time alone.
  • You have high empathy.
  • You spend a lot of time thinking about how to make a difference.

Is soul age better than soul level?

With increased soul wisdom comes advancement in soul age. This is why the number of lifetimes you have can be far more than the number of levels in any soul age. No soul age is better, worse, ahead or behind of any other.

How does the soul move through the ages?

Some souls move through the ages quickly and others like to take their time in order to experience as much depth and learning at a certain level as possible. After the soul has made its way through all of the levels in every soul age, a new cycle begins on the spiritual plane. The soul’s learning continues, but not through physical incarnations…

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Why are so many old souls returning?

Through many old souls are returning to help usher in the ascension and enlightenment of the planet and all humanity. For souls in this age, learning how to survive is the main concern. When you first begin the spiritual journey in human form, there is a great deal of fear to overcome.

What are the 7 Soul ages?

The seven earthly soul ages include infant, baby, young, mature, old soul, transcendental soul, and infinite soul… Each of these soul ages has seven levels. By the time a spirit reaches the fifth soul age, they have developed a broad understanding of life, and they understand that they are one with the universal tapestry.