
Can I use GitHub to learn programming?

Can I use GitHub to learn programming?

You can use GitHub as a your tutorial guide. In any programming language you can found git repository that’s strength of GitHub. GitHub also provides you step by step documentation of any language or framework or projects.

What is Git and GitHub for beginners?

Git is a free and open distributed version control system, a tool to manage your source code history. GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. In short, Git is the tool, and GitHub is the service for projects that use Git.

What are the prerequisites for Git and GitHub?

At first, you won’t need much besides the cd , ls , mkdir , rm and of course git commands. And don’t use GUI (Tortoise) for a while, to get used to console. Later you might want to use it for logs, diffs or something, but first you better understand what’s behind all those fancy menus and buttons.

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What two types of repositories can you create?

There are two types of Git repositories: remote and local.

Which GitHub repository should you mark a star in your list?

If you are one of the programmers who visit GitHub frequently then congratulation we have a collection of GitHub repositories that you should mark star in your favorite repository list but again it depends on things you want to learn. 1. FreeCodeCamp

How do we work with GitHub projects?

We’ll work with GitHub projects in two ways. Type 1: Create the repository, clone it to your PC, and work on it. (Recommended) Type 1 involves creating a totally fresh repository on GitHub, cloning it to our computer, working on our project, and pushing it back.

How to create a new repository on GitHub?

Let’s get back to your GitHub page and click on the plus icon (+) at the top of the page. Creating a new repo. Click on New repository. Let’s say you are creating a project to study HTML, so name your repository learning-html.

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How to learn Git and GitHub while you’re learning to code?

How you can learn Git and GitHub while you’re learning to code 1 A brief intro. Git and GitHub are extremely important tools to our routine as a software developers. 2 Preparing the environment. Before we start, we need to set up the environment to save our code and examples of what we are learning. 3 GitHub’s workflow and the Terminal.