
Why did Parshuram give education to Bhishma?

Why did Parshuram give education to Bhishma?

Why did Parshuram teach Bheeshma? Because Bheeshma was a worthy disciple. And unlike popular contemporary narratives, Parshuram never said he would teach only Brahmins. In fact Parshuram also offered Shri Rama, another Kshatriya the great Vaishnava bow.

Who is the student of Karna?

According to Mahabharata, Parashurama takes Karna as his student. Since Karna was a worthy student, Parashurama blessed Karna with the Vijaya along with other celestial weapons. Vijaya bow is clearly mentioned only once in Mahabharata, during the Kurukshetra war, on the 17th day, when Karna fought against Arjuna.

Who was the guru of Karna?

For his studies, Karna went to the ashrama of Parashurama, the Guru of Brahmins. Parashurama had decided to take only Brahmin boys as his disciples. Therefore, Karna went there in disguise of a Brahmin boy and learnt old scriptures, Vedas, Upanishads, and became exceedingly expert in the art of bow and arrow, archery.

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Who is the guru of Bhishma?

After she was advised by some sages, she met Parasurama, Bhishma’s teacher and successfully convinced him in giving vow to help her. Parasurama went to Kurukshetra and sent a message to Bhishma to meet him.

How did Bhishma knew about Karna?

But when he came to know this secret is not said any where. When Karna gate crashed Rangabhoomi Kunthi faints fearing her both sons would fight , Bhishma with superior intelligence might have sensed it and had enquired and conclusions made. So Bhishma knew it when Karna was made Angaraja.

What did Parashurama teach Karna?

Parashurama accepts him as his student. He trained him to the point that he declared Karna to be equal to himself in the art of warfare and archery. He also taught him about brahmastra and the technique of releasing and withdrawing it.

Who is Parashurama’s best student?

Parashurama’s BEST student is Drona! Parashurama’s BEST student is Karna! Now, go and sleep peacefully! P.S. Parashurama may not be as biased as today’s people, to rate/rank HIS disciples, across generations! Such great avatara purushas, do their job of teaching and then leave it to the students!

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Is Parashurama the guru of Dronacharya?

Parashurama is the guru of Dronacharya. But there is one problem. The problem is that Parashurama only teaches Brahmanas (learned person), and Karna is not a Brahmana either. Thus, Karna presents himself before Parashurama as a Brahmana without revealing his true identity.

Why did Dronacharya refuse to teach Karna about Brahmastra?

Like Pandavas & Kauravas, Karna was also a student of Dronacharya. Once, he approached Dronacharya and requested him to teach him about brahmastra and the art of releasing and withdrawing it. Dronacharya taught about brahmastra only to his favorite disciple Arjuna and partially to his son Ashwathama. So he refused to teach Karna about brahmastra.
