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What will happen to unbelievers after the return of Jesus?

What will happen to unbelievers after the return of Jesus?

Unbelievers will be resurrected and judged at what is referred to as the great white throne judgment; based on their works, they will be assigned to the lake of fire ( Revelation 20:11–15 ). So, the return of Jesus will usher in two different eternities—one with God and one without Him.

What will happen when Christ returns?

Here are six awesome things that will happen when Christ returns: 1. Jesus will arrive with a shout. Jesus’ first arrival was a largely unheralded birth in a stable in a one-horse town. In contrast, his return will be a glorious and loud procession that is visible to all. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout,

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What happens to unbelievers on the day of judgment?

( Matthew 10:28 ) Before the day of judgment, unbelievers’ bodies are asleep in the earth, but their spirits are in torment in Hades. At the day of judgment, unbelievers’ bodies are resurrected, the unbelievers are judged, and then cast into the Lake of Fire.

What happens to unbelievers at the end of Christ’s millennial reign?

At the final judgment of God, at the end of Christ’s Millennial reign on earth, all unbelievers will be united with their bodies and then sent to the lake of fire for all eternity.


Why don’t some people believe in Jesus?

Thus we’ve seen that people do not believe in Jesus because they reject the light that God has given them, resulting in God’s judicially blinding them even more. In the next three verses we see that some see Jesus’ glory and believe in Him, whereas others profess to believe, but their focus is not on Jesus’ glory.

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Do you see Jesus’ glory or believe in him?

In the next three verses we see that some see Jesus’ glory and believe in Him, whereas others profess to believe, but their focus is not on Jesus’ glory. 3. People believe in Christ because God has granted them some vision of Christ’s glory (John 12:41). John 12:41: “These things Isaiah said because he saw His glory, and he spoke of Him.”

What will Jesus’ procession in the sky look like?

Jesus’ procession in the sky with billions of angels will show forth the overwhelming power and might of His army. 31 When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him (Mt. 25:31) Jesus will send out His angels with a specific role in gathering the saints to the sky from the ends of the earth.