
In what ways has your town changed since you were a child?

In what ways has your town changed since you were a child?

Q: Has your hometown changed much since you were a child? A: Yes it has evolved from a relatively quiet city to a hub of shopping and entertainment. There have been major developments, with shopping mall renovations and the addition of shop lined streets leading all around the city.

What would you change your hometown?

In conclusion, if I could change one thing about my hometown I would choose to convert some of our concrete and steel surroundings to beautiful parks and green spaces. This is because such spaces would benefit both the mental and physical health of me and my neighbors.

What changes are there in cities towns?

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10 Ways Cities Are Changing

  • (Digitally) Re-Programmable Space.
  • Waternet: An Internet of Pipes.
  • Adopt a Tree through Your Social Network.
  • Augmented Humans: The Next Generation of Mobility.
  • Co-Co-Co: Co-generating, Co-heating, Co-cooling.
  • The Sharing City: Unleashing Spare Capacity.
  • Mobility-on-Demand.

How has your hometown changed much since you were a child?

I am now getting familiar with city life as there are more job opportunities here. 9 Has your hometown changed much since you were a child? Actually yes. It has changed enormously. Around 20 years ago you would barely find tall buildings in my area, but now you’d easily be able to catch sight of skyscrapers and tower blocks there.

How to describe your hometown in English?

Sample Answers to Describe Your Hometown : 1. What’s (the name of) your hometown? Victoria is my hometown. It is a province located in the west of my country. 2.

What is the rolling average of temperature data for Your Hometown?

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Additional design and development by Troy Griggs. For each year, the count of days at or above 90 32 degrees reflects a 21-year rolling average. Temperature observations for your hometown are averaged over an area of approximately 625 km² (240 square miles), and may not match single weather-station records.