
Can Galactus create black holes?

Can Galactus create black holes?

13 HE COLLAPSED INTO A BLACK HOLE In the Hercules: Twilight of a God miniseries, Galactus finally eats until he pops. Up to this point, his appetite has been insatiable. All that excess energy causes him to collapse into himself into a glorious black hole. Just like Galactus, the black hole he turns into is insatiable.

Can Galactus travel between universes?

In the hands of Galactus, due to his cosmic awareness, the Ultimate Nullifier is capable of destroying entire universes and even entire timelines from beginning to end. It was revealed in the Abraxas story arc that the Ultimate Nullifier may be an aspect of Galactus himself.

How big is Galactus in real life?

Species Unknown
Height Usually 30”9″ (Varies)
Weight Usually 18 tons (Varies)
Alignment True Neutral
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What gender is stardust?

Gender clarification Stardust was also referred to as “he” in Stormbreaker, the character’s first appearance, but a particular reference to Stardust in Fantastic Four makes the character appear to be female,.

Is Galactus coming to Earth in real life?

Marvel Comics ‘ Galactus is coming for Earth in real life. While this is obviously not really the case, the Internet would like to think so, thanks to a recent report from NASA scientists, who discovered something very mysterious occurring 15,000 lightyears away.

What is Galactus in the Marvel Comics?

In the Marvel Mangaverse, Galactus is a living planet. He resembles a giant red tentacle monster, with one large eye. It was defended by four sentries based on the Silver Surfer, Terrax, Nova, and Firelord. Unlike other iterations of Galactus who drain the life force from worlds, this one actually ate them whole.

What is Galactus’s favourite food?

Galactus is one of the most powerful beings in Marvel comics, and his favourite food is your planet. Here are the things you need to know about him. When Galactus first appeared in Fantastic Four #48, it was clear to his creators that this new villain was going to be something special.

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Why is Galactus the balance of the universe?

Eternity and Death decided that Galactus would be the balance of them both, he would kill at the same rate of the number that were born at any given time. If 10,000,000 were born, Galactus would consume enough planets to equal 10,000,000 dying, ensuring the balance of reality.