Why is Finland excluded from Scandinavia?

Why is Finland excluded from Scandinavia?

It’s partly a question of identity, self identification. Scandinavian Peninsula consists of Norway and Sweden. A small fraction of Northern Finland is included, but that is mostly because the line between the furthest Norwegian and Swedish points must be drawn through Finland.

What language is Finnish most closely related to?

Finnish belongs to the Baltic-Finnic branch of the Finno-Ugric languages, being most closely related to Estonian, Livonian, Votic, Karelian, Veps, and Ingrian.

Are the Finns considered Vikings?

Even the native tongue of the Finns did not originate from the Old Norse, unlike Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish. So, the Finns of today do not have any connection to the Norse men. Even if there is some Vikings heritage in the mix, the vast majority of Finns do not have any connection to the Norse men of the past.

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Why is Finland considered a Scandinavian country?

It is considered a Scandinavian country by most people, except by the Finns apparently. Finland is even named by the Swedish part of modern Finland, Finland proper. Which has been Swedish linguistically and ethnically since the Viking period.

What are the differences between Norwegians and Finns?

Norwegians are made fun of for being filthy rich, lazy, and too attached to their skis, Swedes are said to be painfully politically correct and addicted to tanning, while Danes are teased for being loud and impossible to understand. And Finns?

Did you know Finns like to jump in lakes?

Not only will Finns happily jump in icy lakes, even swimming under the ice between ice holes, but apparently they’ll also walk up to an oncoming icebreaker like it’s not the scariest thing in the world. DID YOUR PARENTS TEACH YOU NOTHING, FINNS? Oh wait, this video is of your parents – or grandparents, or great-grandparents.

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Why is Scandinavia considered to be a peninsula?

The Scandinavian Peninsula has no definite border, so it’s defined quite artificially. Scandinavia is considered to be Sweden, Denmark and Norway. That is not a totally logical combination, but all things aren’t. Scandinavia is what it is, because the countries and the people in the region have decided it to be.