
What happens if you stay in the ruins in Undertale?

What happens if you stay in the ruins in Undertale?

If you have the patience, staying in this room for five minutes will earn you a short bit of dialogue, or you can leave immediately. When you enter the next room Toriel will phone you and tell you to stay put again, but ignore her.

How do you get past the ruins in Undertale?

Kill: Hitting Toriel once will kill her. Spare: After constantly sparing her instead of attacking she’ll start talking to you. Keep sparing her and she will let you pass.

Why is Toriel in the ruins?

Neutral Route Toriel guides the protagonist through the Ruins. At the beginning of the game, Toriel saves the protagonist from Flowey, healing any damage done by him. After introducing herself, she guides them through the first few rooms of the Ruins.

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How do you know if you killed all the monsters in the ruins?

As long as you’re on the Genocide route, save points checked outside the Ruins will give you a count of the number of monsters you have left to kill in the area. The count of monster kills for each section, followed by the name of the area boss, is as follows.

Are you supposed to leave Toriel in Undertale?

No, it is not possible for Toriel to be with you. The only two options you are given is to spare her and kill her, and both result in her absense from the game.

How do you beat Toriel?

Toriel has four attacks, although the fight is rigged so that if you’re in danger of dying the attacks will avoid hitting you – the only way to lose is to deliberately run into them. Keep opting to Spare her – never attack – and eventually she’ll give up the fight.

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Does Toriel ever pick up the phone?

Game Elements Toriel’s phone is a cell phone that the protagonist acquires from Toriel once they start to go through the Ruins alone. After the protagonist leaves the Ruins, Toriel does not answer the phone until the epilogue of the True Pacifist Route.

Should I genocide after pacifist?

We’d strongly recommend you complete Undertale on Pacifist before taking on a Genocide run as it will have some subtle effects on any future playthroughs you make.