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Was Vince Gilligan inspired by The Sopranos?

Was Vince Gilligan inspired by The Sopranos?

Vince Gilligan also acknowledges that he was inspired to make Walter White after meeting James Gandolfini, the late actor that played Soprano. But I also see striking similarities between Walter White and Tony Soprano in other ways.

How is Tony Soprano a anti hero?

As Tony Soprano brutalizes debtors, murders in a blind rage, cheats on and betrays his wife he remains sympathetic because we see the story from his perspective. Antiheroes show us that a villain is not some one-track-minded monster but a person with their own aspirations and justifications.

Why is Walter White so likeable?

He’s very kind and loyal to his family and his work, putting his body on the line at several points. His determination to catch Heisenberg is to be respected, and while he does go through a period of feeling sorry for himself, that only goes to show another side of his character, which made him more likeable overall.

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Is breaking bad based on the Sopranos?

‘Breaking Bad’ had a character inspired by ‘The Sopranos’ Walter White and his partner, Jesse Pinkman, have a contact in the Juarez Drug Cartel. Juan Bolsa is high up on the totem pole in the cartel. Fans noticed that the name Juan Bolsa in English translates to “John Sack.”

Is Tony Soprano white?

Tony Soprano : I don’t mean white like Caucasian. I mean a white man like our friend Cusamano. Now he’s Italian, but he’s Merigan.

Is Omar Little an antihero?

He was the ultimate anti-hero, and you couldn’t help but root for him. Behind the fearsome gun-slinger there was a sensitive soul who cared for his grandma and had a strict code of never harming “civilians”, as he scorched his path through East Baltimore.

Is Omar an antihero?

Omar Little (The Wire) Omar Little (Michael K. Williams), toting a shotgun and clad in a trench coat, is an anti-gangster antihero, as if Robin Hood were dealing drugs. He subverts the city’s drug game for his own vigilante justice. He is the constant x-factor.