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Is an Autobahn a safe road?

Is an Autobahn a safe road?

Safety statistics for Autobahns Autobahns are safe, they carry approx. 30 \% of motorized road traffic within Germany, whilst accounting for 10 \% of Germany’s traffic deaths.

How often do crashes happen on the Autobahn?

The accident rate on the Autobahn is consistently lower than many other interstate style highway systems, partly because of its better construction – it has a 40 year rating. The US highway system has a 20 year rating. The annual fatality rate on the Autobahn in 2.7 per billion kilometers traveled.

How many fatal accidents occur on the autobahn?


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Road class Injury crashes Fatalities per 1000 injury crashes
Autobahn 18,901 19.8
Urban 209,618 4.7
Rural 73,916 27.3
Total 302,435 11.2

Is racing allowed on the Autobahn?

While much of Germany’s autobahn highway network has no speed limits, around 30 percent of the network does limit drivers to 130km/h (80 mph) or lower. Holding races on any public roads — speed limited or not — is illegal.

Will the US ever have an Autobahn?

So while the concept of an Autobahn exudes the type of freedom that Americans are drawn to, the differences between German and American roadways, drivers, and laws make it very unlikely that the US or most other countries, for that matter will build an Autobahn in the near future.

How fast can I drive on the autobahn?

For cars and motorcycles traveling the bulk of the autobahn, there is an “advisory” speed limit of 130 kph (81 mph). It’s not illegal to go faster, but in the event of a crash, a driver’s liability may increase based on speed, even if the driver was not at fault.

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Is the Autobahn safer than US Highways?

Only 4 states in the US have safer roads than Germany. Most drivers stick to the advised speed limit on unregulated stretches of the Autobahn – only about 1/3 of drivers historically exceed the recommended speed limit.

Does the Autobahn have a minimum speed limit?

As in America, the autobahn has a posted minimum speed — 37 miles per hour (59.6 kilometers per hour). This prohibits the use of mopeds, bicycles, smaller cars and other, slower forms of transport on the roads — including an original and still-standing ban on horse-drawn vehicles.

How is the Autobahn safer?

The Autobahn, surprisingly, is safer than the United States highway system because they have many strict rules and are really good at hiding when needed to catch you. They have camera’s that catch you when your speeding, they have monitoring systems that allow the government to see and know the weather…

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How fast do most people drive on the Autobahn?

Driving Tips For the Autobahn On the Autobahn, you can drive as fast as you feel is safe; the German authorities recommend a “suggested” speed of 130 kmh (80mph). However, note that the Autobahn generally looks like a typical freeway. You can only pass another car in the left lane.