
What the Bible says about who goes to hell?

What the Bible says about who goes to hell?

Jesus Christ says in Matthew 25:41, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels.” In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” HELL IS FOREVER! All who enter hell — abandon all hope!

Is it true that God has a plan?

Hope against all hope. He’s the plan. He is the place where the plan of God meets and intersects with our life – not the other way around. Yes, God has plans not to harm His children.

What does it mean that God has a plan for your life?

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God has a purpose and plan for you. His plans are sure, true, and faithful. This doesn’t mean that you will never experience problems or trials in life, but you do have an eternal future in Christ spiritually. God’s plan for you is to prosper and grow spiritually in Christ in the very situation you are in right now.

What happens to others who are destined for Hell?

Others destined for hell will be helped, encouraged, and witnessed to by others who are destined for heaven. Those who follow God’s plan are provided opportunities to help others in their spiritual path. If all people were on the same spiritual path, there would be nobody for God’s people to help.

What is the purpose of life in Hell?

All people living have a purpose. Some people destined for hell will save other’s lives, either intentionally or unintentionally. Others destined for hell will be helped, encouraged, and witnessed to by others who are destined for heaven. Those who follow God’s plan are provided opportunities to help others in their spiritual path.

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Did God fail in his plan?

You commented that if people go to hell then God failed in His plan. But, that assumes that God’s plan was to save everyone. In fact, if that was God’s plan, then He failed just allowing sin to enter the world to begin with; because, before sin everyone was going to heaven.

Why do people choose to go to Hell?

People choose to go to hell rather than submit their lives to God. You have absolute free will within the confines of your personal ability. You can prove this to yourself. Determine two possible courses of action.