When was the hyphen dropped from today?

When was the hyphen dropped from today?

3 Answers. Per the Online Etymology Dictionary, tonight was written as two words until the 18th century, after which it was written with a hyphen until the early 20th century. It’s a similar story for today, except it acquired a hyphen about two centuries earlier.

Do you hyphenate two to three?

If word count or space is a consideration, use “2–3”, preferably with an en dash and not a hyphen. (See this question for more info on dashes and hyphens.)

Is it one year or one year?

Senior Member. one year-long stay means one stay which lasted a year. one-year-long stay refers to a group of stays which last one year. one year long stay is incorrect because before nouns you have to use hyphens.

Did the word today used to be hyphenated?

Before the 16th century, today was two separate words, to day, and then for another three hundred years or so, it was hyphenated: to-day. But today, we simply use today.

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Why is there a dash between to Morrow?

The origins of the practice lie in etymology: the three words were originally (in Old and Middle English) a preposition (to) followed by a separate word (dæg, niht, morwen). opted for the hyphen in all three words, and this was further reinforced when dialectologists included other forms.

Do you need hyphen between year old?

“Year old” should be hyphenated when it modifies a noun that follows it. That is, when the phrase is describing the age of a person, place, or thing, and it precedes that noun in a sentence, then it should be written as year-old.

Do you hyphenate eight year old?

Ages are like every other compound modifier that way: you hyphenate them before the noun but not after the noun. [Note: Chicago style and AP style differ when it comes to ages. Our site uses a modified version of AP style, which is why the example reads “8-year-old” instead of “eight-year-old.”]

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Is it 5 year old or 5 years old?

No hyphens are necessary. Correct usage is: She is five years old. or She is 5 years old.

When was the word today invented?

Meaning “in modern times” is from c. 1300. As a noun from 1530s. Generally written as two words until 16c., after which it usually was written to-day until early 20c.

What does day mean?

To-day´ adv. 1. On this day; on the present day. Worcester’s horse came but to-day.

Why is tomorrow written as to Morrow?

Tomorrow comes from the Middle English, from the preposition to + morrow. Morrow, which is an archaic or literary word meaning “the following day,” comes from Middle English morwe, from Old English morgen. Morning has origin from Middle English, from morn.

Do you put a hyphen in front of a word?

Yes. The rule here is to use a hyphen when otherwise it could be mistaken for another word, e.g. “resent”, to regard as insult or offense. Use of a hyphen with some prefixes, is regarded as stylistic … except for this case.

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Why is the word “re-sent” hyphenated?

The word “resent” (meaning “sent again”) could seem to be a misspelling of the adjective “recent,” or a misuse of the verb “resent” (meaning to feel indignant about something) and so it is hyphenated as “re-sent” to show that it is actually composed of the prefix “re” and the word “sent.” , word nerd, grammar fan.

Do you put a hyphen in a sentence like “co-operate”?

I (a British person of a “certain age”) still put a hyphen in words like “co-operate” but I suspect I’m in a rapidly dwindling minority. Resent is the past tense of resend, which means to send again, and is not used with a hyphen. It can be deduced from the context, although you can apply one to be clear.

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