
Which is best treatment ayurvedic or homeopathic?

Which is best treatment ayurvedic or homeopathic?

Difference Between Ayurveda and Homeopathy:

Ayurveda Homeopathy
Inclined towards the prevention of disease by stressing on pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Based on the concept of curing the disease by administering substances that cause the same symptoms and build immunity to cure the illness.

Can you take two different homeopathic remedies at the same time?

You can take more than one homeopathic medicine at one time. However, we recommend taking them a few minutes apart.

Is it safe to take Ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy together?

There is no harm in taking Homoeopathy and Ayurveda together for the same cause. Both are medical therapies are based on holistic science. Both will help the body metabolism and immunity. Both are natural and mild. I use both for myself, my family and patients.

Can aayurbed and homeopaty be taken together?

Yes ,ayurbed and homeopaty can taken together due to following points 1- homeopaty works law of similar,that is’ like cures like ” principle, it means the substance which causes disease in healthy people can cure the disease in illpeople. 2-ayurbed works law of opposite or antipathy,there is no potency in…

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Why Ayurveda is better than medicine?

Ayurveda believes in the age-old saying that “prevention is better than cure”. It promotes the prevention of diseases by maintaining a balance between body, mind, and consciousness.

Can I take all types of medicines with homeopathic medicines?

Yes you can take all types of medicines with homeopathic medicines but with some exceptions which depends on the name and ingredients of the allopathic or ayurvedic medicines. Please consult your health provider for the correct advice for some particular medicine.