
Why do people believe in astrology?

Why do people believe in astrology?

Astrology offers a number of things which many people find very desirable: information and assurance about the future, a way to be absolved of their current situation and future decisions, and a way to feel connected to the entire cosmos. Astrology shares this with many other beliefs which tend to be categorized as “New Age.”

What does the Bible say about astrology and fortune telling?

As described above, the Bible does not support astrology and fortune telling. As it challenges the faith of people in God and His power. Nothing in the universe can define a persons future, it is the Almighty Lord who leads one to his future.

What is fortune telling and how does it work?

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The art of predicting the future, or answering futuristic questions by contacting spirits, worshiping the stars and the planets, reading cards to know about the future is basically what fortune telling is all about.

Is our future predetermined by astrology?

Having won the client’s trust, some fortune-tellers have been able to obtain large sums of money from their customers. The practice of astrology and fortune-telling implies that our future is predetermined. But is it? The Bible tells us that we have the ability to choose what we believe or want to do and that our choices affect our future.

Is astrology harmful or helpful?

However, this deep-seated belief about celestial events interspersing with human lives, isn’t entirely harmless. In a country like India, astrology, rather than compatibility, dictates whether people can get married, besides dictating decisions about financial investments based on planetary positions.

Can astrology really predict your future?

What this really means is not that astrology has accurately predicted the person’s future, but rather it means that visiting an astrologer or having a horoscope cast can be a fulfilling and personally satisfying experience.

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Why is astrology so popular in India?

Moreover, given how powerful superstitions are already are in Indian culture, practitioners of astrology, numerology, palmistry, and other similar pseudo-sciences, often target people’s gullibility for financial gain. In essence, astrology is a coping mechanism from the stress and uncertainty of life.
