
What is a good time for a 10-mile race?

What is a good time for a 10-mile race?

Pfitzinger recommends 20- to 30-minute runs at 10-mile pace or slightly faster as the most effective way to improve one’s 10-mile time, interspersed with longer intervals such as 5x1600m.

What is the best strategy for running?

The Best Running Tips of All Time

  1. Strengthen Your Whole Body. “Good runners condition their whole bodies.
  2. Run More Hills.
  3. Quit Trying to Set Your PR.
  4. Hydrate (Especially Before Trail Races)
  5. Stretch and Refuel Immediately Post-Race.
  6. Find a Routine, Then Stick to It.
  7. Don’t Freak Out If You’re Undertrained.
  8. Fix Your Stride.

What is the best strategy for running a mile?

7 tips for running your best mile

  • Know the distance.
  • Familiarise yourself with the track.
  • Brush up on your track etiquette.
  • Decide on your goal pace beforehand.
  • Pace yourself!
  • Focus on the third lap.
  • Try to relax and enjoy it.
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How do you always win a race?


  1. Add to your training by playing some pick up games of soccer, ultimate Frisbee, or some other running-centric sport.
  2. Make sure to stretch before and after each time you run.
  3. Go slow at first, and then pick up your pace during the end of the race.
  4. Keep most of your energy until the last lap.

How do you run a fast race?

9 Tips For Running Your Fastest Race Day

  1. 1) Leading up to the race, eat boring food.
  2. 2) Similarly, stay hydrated.
  3. 3) Have your race day planned.
  4. 4) Know the course.
  5. 5) Wear proper race attire.
  6. 6) Don’t try new gear.
  7. 7) Don’t go out too fast.
  8. 8) Stay focused on the race.

How many calories does a 10 mile run burn?

Efficient Speed = More Calories in Less Time Think about it: A person running 10-minute miles for an hour covers six miles and burns about 600 calories in this calculation; a person running 6-minute miles for that same amount of time runs 10 miles and burns 1,000 calories.

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How do you train for a 10-mile race?

If you’re a novice at 10-mile racing, an excellent way to learn to handle the stresses of the distance is to gradually increase your long training runs until you can cover 10 miles at an easy pace without too much trouble. Then, during your 10-mile training runs, add a 30-second burst at about your 10K speed after every mile.

What is the best strategy for a 10K race?

Overall 10k race strategy You should focus on running a patient and conservative race over the first mile and then attacking the course for the last mile. Interestingly, every world record from the 1500 meters to the marathon has been set running negative splits – running the first half of the race slightly slower than the second half.

How to run a 10-mile marathon at a different pace?

Here are two beauties which will make 10-mile race pace easier for you to handle: Warm up by jogging easily for two miles, and then run four miles at a tempo 15 seconds per mile slower than your 10K speed. Cool down with an easy one-mile jog.

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What is the best way to prepare for a marathon?

Run a very easy 15-20 mins, just like you do before all your hard runs, 10 minutes of easy stretching and then 3 x 30 sec strides starting about 35-45 minutes before the race. You should focus on running a patient and conservative race over the first mile and then attacking the course for the last mile.