What does being ordinary mean to you?

What does being ordinary mean to you?

Ordinary means usual, normal, or of no special quality. Sometimes, the word is used in a negative way to mean somewhat inferior, below average, or just plain—in much the same way as the word mediocre. This is how the word is used in the phrase out of the ordinary, which means unusual, uncommon, or exceptional.

Is it okay to just be ordinary?

Don’t Let the Fear of Being Ordinary Stop You From Living Your Best Life! Your best life might look a little ordinary. And that’s ok. As long as you’re focused on the things that matter, you don’t need to be worried about anything you might be missing out on.

What does it mean to live an ordinary life?

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An ordinary life also means not trying to be better than others but to be the best you can at being yourself. It means understanding that everyone is struggling with something. It’s not our place to judge others for where they are in life. In an ordinary life we don’t need to feel special or bigger than life.

What is the fear of being ordinary?

Koinophobia: The Fear of Being Ordinary.

Are ordordinary people really ordinary?

Ordinary people are the ones who do extraordinary things. Everybody starts out ordinary. Underlying that fear is the fear of not “being enough” or the fear of not being “good enough” or a fear of not “being special”. That fear is a limiting belief and it’s not true.

Is being ordinary a bad thing?

The problem happens when we start to think that “being ordinary” is a bad thing. It isn’t…because we are all ordinary; we are all just human beings. Ordinary people are the ones who do extraordinary things. Everybody starts out ordinary.

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The Fear of Being Ordinary. Ordinary people are the ones who do extraordinary things. Everybody starts out ordinary. Underlying that fear is the fear of not “being enough” or the fear of not being “good enough” or a fear of not “being special”. That fear is a limiting belief and it’s not true. It just feels true in the moment.

What is a good sentence for ordinary life?

“Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.” to strive for extraordinary lives. but it is the way of foolishness. and the marvel of an ordinary life. tomatoes, apples and pears.