
What are the factors that affect student performance?

What are the factors that affect student performance?

Factors that Influence Students’ Motivation in Education

  • Class and Curriculum Structure.
  • Teacher Behavior and Personality.
  • Teaching Methods.
  • Parental Habits and Involvement.
  • Family Issues and Instability.
  • Peer Relationships.
  • Learning Environment.
  • Assessment.

What factors cause a students poor academic performance?

The main reasons for the poor academic performance of college students are: the lack of lofty ambitions and specific goals, the existence of cognitive misunderstandings and loose emotions, the distortion of life values, the defects of personality and ability, etc.; the objective reasons come from many aspects such as …

What are the causes of student poor academic performance in higher institution?

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Top causes of poor academic performance

  • Poverty.
  • Poor Health.
  • Teachers’ approach to teaching or teaching methodology adopted.
  • Poor approach to learning.
  • Poor inter-personal relation between teachers and students.
  • Broken home experience.
  • Changing of teachers incessantly.

Who is responsible for poor condition of students?

Teachers are responsible for trying to manage student behaviour – particularly within a classroom where the behaviour of one student can have a negative impact on many other students in the class.

What factors affect performance?

The “person” section of the model identifies eight essential factors that impact job performance: knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, awareness, values, motives and needs. As individuals grow accustomed to the job, these factors change over time. For a high achiever, they change in positive ways.

How do you deal with poor academic performance?

Try the following suggestions:

  1. Create a study area. Rather than on the kitchen table, have a specific, organised place where your child can study – quiet, and away from everyone else.
  2. Schedule time, have a plan.
  3. Target weaknesses.
  4. Teach your child not to procrastinate.
  5. Take breaks.
  6. Teach them confidence.

Why education system is poor in India?

India is a country with more than one billion people, and just one-third of them can read. Rapidly growing size of population, shortages of teachers, books, and basic facilities, and insufficient public funds to cover education costs are some of the nation’s toughest challenges.

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How were the parents and teacher responsible for the lack of interest for studies among students?

Answer: parents can to help their students learn–but teachers must not be held accountable for students’ learning. It also helps a teacher influence and communicate more effectively with students as well as with the overall perception of their student’s strengths and weaknesses.

What are the 3 factors affecting performance?

The key factors that influence employee performances are:

  • Job Satisfaction.
  • Training and Development.
  • Employee Engagement.
  • Goals and Expectations.
  • Tools and Equipment.
  • Morale and Company culture.

What causes poor work performance?

breaches of work practices, procedures and rules — such as breaching occupational health and safety requirements, excessive absenteeism, theft, harassment of other employees, etc; and. employees’ personal problems — usually ‘off-the-job’ issues that affect their performance at work.

What are some reasons for poor performance in school?

Some reasons for poor performance are specific to the students and not related to external factors. For example, a learning disability is student-centered and may create an obstacle to reaching certain academic standards. Motivation also can play a factor in poor performance.

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What are the factors that influence the performance of students?

The study found the eight factors that can influence the student’s performance which are family income, father education, mother education, size of family, motivation of parents, involvement in co-curricular activities, regularity of teachers and interest in the subject developed by concerned teacher.

What is the role of teachers in student performance?

Teachers play a significant role in student performance and also can be responsible for poor student performance. For example, if a teacher lacks experience or is dispassionate about teaching, the children might not be able to develop comprehensive understandings of the subject material.

What is the effect of mother education on the child’s academic performance?

The Aghus and Makhbul in 2001 observed in their study that the mothers have more influence on their children academic achievements and performance. Students’ performance in intermediate examination is positively associated with the mother education (hijazi and Naqvi 2006).
