
Can I get into Google without competitive programming?

Can I get into Google without competitive programming?

YES, there are a lot of people who cracked companies like Google without doing CP at all. And NO, it’s not a necessity that you’ve to be very good at CP in order to get into Google (or any company for that matter). The companies only test your problem-solving skills in the form of Data Structures and Algorithms.

Is competitive programming really necessary for placements?

Yes, certainly. Placements generally involve some written/online programming tests followed by interviews. Competitive programming helps to develop problem solving and implementation skills. It also allows you to explore in depth the programming language of your choice.

Why do the major IT firms hire from coding platforms?

The major IT firms usually hire from these coding platforms as the preparation, workforce, time and money which goes into hiring is cut to half by the competing coding platforms. In this article, we list down 5 such Coding platforms that help companies and aspirants in the recruiting process.

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Which companies hire from Topcoder?

The top-ranked users on TopCoder are very vigorous competitive programmers and regularly compete in programming competitions. Companies which hire from Topcoder include Google, Yahoo, Nvidia, Microsoft, Paypal, Verizon, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan, Cryptic Studios and many more.

What are the big companies looking for in a competitive programmer?

Big companies like Apple, Google and Facebook want talented and smart people to work with them. So these companies keep an eye on those programmers who outperform worldwide in the contests which take place at world level. One such contest is ACM ICPC, it is like olympics for a competitive programmer.

Are there any tech jobs that do not require coding skills?

There are numerous ravishing tech jobs out there that do not demand coding skills and allow you to make a good decent amount of money also. Whether it be the startups or leading tech organizations – they all are providing various non-coding tech jobs to individuals.