Tips and tricks

What will happen if we treat the animals well?

What will happen if we treat the animals well?

Answer: Than they will love humans. Explanation: Hope the answer helps you.

How should we treat with animals?

Right to humane treatment

  1. Animals do not have rights.
  2. Animals can be used for the benefit of human beings providing: Some consideration has been given to the interests of the animals concerned.
  3. Animals may therefore be used for food, clothing, experiment, entertainment and other purposes under appropriate circumstances.

Why should we treat animals equally?

All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness, and motherly love. Whenever we consider doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account.

How are animals treated class 8?


  • Answer:
  • Explanation:Every animal needs to be taken good care of, given food, shelter and veterinary care, this way humans show commitment towards animals.
  • Reciprocate any affection your animal shows you. …
  • Play with your animal.
  • Take Your Children to a Shelter. …
  • Take Your Kids to a Vet. …
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How are animals treated STD 8?


  • animals should be treated with kindness and love.
  • they can act as great companions in our life.
  • the hunters should not harass them for our selfish purposes . we should not beat them to perform the tricks of circus .

How animals are treated for kids?

Show the best ways to pet an animal The child should hold out their hand and give the pet a chance to sniff them. It’s best to pet the animal under their chin or on their chest first, and if they are friendly they can then be pet on their neck and back, and always pet them in the direction of the fur.

How can we care for animals give two examples?


  • petting them and showing them how much we love them.
  • taking care of their food and water timings.
  • playing with them and keeping then fit.
  • feeding them with food which is healthy for them.
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How can we take care of all animals?

The Basic Necessities of Proper Pet Care

  1. Pets need healthy food.
  2. Give your pets 24/7 access to fresh drinking water.
  3. Proper pet care includes providing a safe, cozy shelter.
  4. Pets need to go to the bathroom regularly.
  5. Make sure that your pet gets regular exercise.
  6. Pets require doctor visits and healthy habits.

How can we protect and care for animals?

Many compassionate people and programs around the world are working to protect animals from neglect, cruelty, and extinction.

  1. Spay and neuter.
  2. Never buy an animal from a pet shop.
  3. Never give an animal as a gift.
  4. Take notice and take action.
  5. Support your local animal shelter.
  6. Report abuse.
  7. Keep them safe at home.

Should animals be treated like humans?

Animals should be treated like humans. According to the Humane Society, 70 percent are dogs/puppies and 20 percent are cats/kittens. Animal cruelty often comes with a history of violence against people. Surveys show that people who intentionally abuse animals are predominantly men under 30, while on the other hand, animal hoarding is more involved with women over the age of 60.

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Why are humans better than animals?

In this respect, both humans and other animals have “worth”, but humans have much more worth than animals, making them more important. So in summary, humans are more important than animals because of traits such as imagination, intelligence and technology.

What does the Bible say about treatment of animals?

In the beginning, the Bible says, “God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals….’ And it was so” (Genesis 1:24). And yes, the Bible commands us to take care of the animals under our care.

Can animals and humans mate?

Crossbreeding in the animal kingdom does happen without a human trying to do so since it happens naturally if an animal cannot find a mate of its same species that is why it is most common to happen in captivity. Also, crossbreeding is only possible if both species have the same number of chromosomes.