Tips and tricks

What should you do if your teenager vapes?

What should you do if your teenager vapes?

Getty Images Experts advise parents who discover their teen is vaping to react in a calm and measured manner. Ask questions and listen to the answers they give. While there should be consequences for certain behaviors, the delivery of these consequences needs to come from a calm, rational place.

How many teenagers vape in the US?

In December 2018, the National Institute on Drug Abuse released a report detailing a “dramatic increase” in the use of vaping devices by teenagers, stating that 37.3 percent of high school seniors had vaped within the previous year.

When should you seek medical advice for vaping?

However, if those issues do not go away or it’s causing you real distress, it’s best to seek medical advice. There could be various reasons for chest pain from vaping. Excessive heat, high nicotine, or maybe even the specific flavorings in a particular e-liquid could be the cause.

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Does parental support for vaping increase teen drinking habits?

From research on drinking behaviors, we know that teens are more likely to engage in risky drinking behaviors if their parents accept it (and encourage it by allowing underage drinking at their home). Vaping is too new a behavior for this kind of research yet, but there’s no doubt about the importance of parent messaging.

Should parents worry about e-cigarettes for their kids?

The picture can be hazy for parents trying to protect their kids, too. For one thing, all the back-and-forth debate regarding e-cigarettes’ potential usefulness as a quit aid for adults who smoke traditional cigarettes can distract from the risks vaping poses to kids who have never smoked at all, experts say.

How many people vape in the school bathroom?

He says his clients report that, “at any given time between classes, there can be 15 to 20 people vaping in the school bathroom.” This type of influence is important to know about.