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Is flash faster than Goku instant transmission?

Is flash faster than Goku instant transmission?

If it really took him 0.00001 microseconds, this meant the Flash traveled 2.5 quintillion miles per hour — or roughly 3.7 trillion times the speed of light. This means that Wally West traveled 111 million times FASTER than Goku as of the Buu Saga, based on their maximum recorded speeds.

Can the Flash defeat Goku?

If the Flash were to fight Goku, he would immediately have the upper hand. Goku might be fast, but with the Flash’s connection to the Speed Force, he can turn any battle to his favor. Goku simply doesn’t have the speed capabilities to be able to combat the Flash.

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Who wins in a fight Goku or flash?

First of all, Goku won’t even be able to land a single finger on Flash. We can all agree that Flash is faster than Goku. Flash saved 532,000 people from a nuclear explosion in less than seconds.

Can Goku move at the speed of light?

So Just How Fast Is Goku? To summarise, in the most recent Dragon Ball Super series both Goku and his similarly matched contemporaries are most likely capable of breaching the speed of light with movement alone, disregarding Goku’s signature Instant Transmission technique that is a whole other equation itself.

How fast is God Goku?

Thanks to a Quora user and their meticulous calculations, it’s determined that Goku can move at a top speed of 334630130.9588907361 mph when he first enters Super Saiyan, a number which is almost half the speed of light, however, this may not be his max speed.

Can Goku become omnipresent with his speed?

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First off, Wally West has already been confirmed to be able to achieve omnipresence with his speed by Scott Lobdell, so there’s no hope for Goku there. Secondly, in The Flash (1987) Issue #141, Black Flash froze time when he entered the third dimension.

Who would win in a fight Goku or the Flash?

Goku would definitely win. Goku can create another Big Bang by destroying the universe. (The Big Bang is Faster than the Flash because Flash only travels faster than Light.) Goku can easily increase his speed by training and also by using Kaio Ken and turning Super Saiyan.

Is mastered Ultra Instinct Goku faster than the Flash?

3rd Misconception: Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku is faster than The Flash. Not true. Sure, Ultra Instinct Goku is probably billions of times faster than the speed of light, but The Flash utterly obliterates him in speed.

Can the Flash beat Goku with a Kamehameha?

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1st Misconception: ”The Flash isn’t as fast as Goku’s instant transmission, so Goku could just teleport behind him and hit him with a fully charged Kamehameha.” Yeah, no. For one, Barry and Wally are both able to react in the span of an attosecond, so they’d easily be able to avoid the Kamehameha. Even if it’s going multiple times the speed of li