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How do you get an artist to come to your town?

How do you get an artist to come to your town?

Enlisting the help of a nearby non-profit or college may be the easiest way to go. That, plus offering your help to your hardworking (but reputable) local promoter, is a big step in getting the bands to you want.

How do I set up a tour for my band?

How to book a tour for your band

  1. Find out what are your most active local markets.
  2. Decide on the target region.
  3. Set up a date range.
  4. Set up your priorities and then fill up the details.
  5. Book venues.
  6. Once booked, set up your route.
  7. Start promoting.
  8. (Optional) Find local openers.
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How much does it cost to go on tour music?

For a band touring at the most basic level of expense, at $100 a night on average, a month-long tour will run about $3,100 if all the band members can stand piling into one room every night.

How do I book a tour without a booking agent?

How to Book a Tour without a Booking Agent

  1. Don’t Be Overwhelmed. The first thing to remember is that you are only one person.
  2. Write a Good Pitch.
  3. Use Who You Know.
  4. Use the Back Door.
  5. BE a Booking Agent.
  6. Be Consistent, Not Creepy.
  7. Check the Calendar First!
  8. Sell Yourself.

How does a band get booked for a tour?

These are the basics: The band who is the headliner has their booking agent send out an email to other booking agents and ask for bands to submit for the tour. The booking agents will send back the relevant info on each act in their roster that may fit the bill.

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How far in advance should you book your concert tickets?

Most importantly, you need plenty of time from beginning the booking process until the first show. For a tour containing mostly cities you’ve never been to before, I recommend starting this process at least five months out.

What is the right age to go to a concert?

What Is the Right Age For a “Real” Concert? There are obviously a lot of variables that go into this, but in my opinion, 11 or 12 years-old is ideal.

How do you share your tour dates with other people?

Open a shared calendar in Google Calendar or iCal and share it with everyone on the tour. Put in “held dates” with city names. When you get a “hold” at a venue, change that color of the “held date” and title it the city WITH the venue name.