
Can homeopathy medicine cure myopia?

Can homeopathy medicine cure myopia?

Topical use of Atropine 1\% was found effective in controlling myopia however its side effects and rebound effect after stopping the treatment discouraged its use. Homeopathy can be an effective and safe treatment for this condition.

What is Kali phosphoricum used for?

Relieves muscle weakness. Tension or nervous headaches with severe fatigue. Severe anxiety and depression. Excellent as a tonic in times of stress to clear tension especially before an exam or presentation.

Is Belladonna good for the eyes?

In modern times, optometrists often use belladonna to help dilate pupils when examining a person’s eyes. Other recent uses of belladonna include over-the-counter creams and other herbal supplements.

What is the gap between homeopathic medicines?

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Unless we cant know the medicine then for safety you must give 30 minutes gap between two medicine.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for weakness?

Alstonia Scholaris is also one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for weakness and is considered a tonic for debility resulting from exhausting fever. Cocculus Indicus, Carbo Animalis and Alumina – for weakness after menstrual periods (menses).

What is Rhus used for?

Background: Homeopathic remedy Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox) is used for several symptoms including skin irritations, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane afflictions, and typhoid type fever.

What is arsenicum used for?

Key homeopathic uses include attempting to treat anxiety and “fear caused by insecurity”, digestive disorders and mucosal inflammation, and ailments characterized symptomatically by burning pain. It was also used once for treatment of syphilis.

Is homeopathy good for eyes?

Homeopathy has shown to be useful for treating some of the most common eye disorders and injuries seen in practice today. We say the eyes are the window to the soul. One can gauge an individual’s health with a thorough gaze into this amazing organ.

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What are some natural remedies for eyes?

Cold compress. Place a cold washcloth over your closed eyes two to three times a day for five minutes at a time to manage pain and swelling.

  • Castor oil. Eye drops containing castor oil may help reduce eye irritation.
  • Aloe vera.
  • How to improve eyesight homeopathically?

    How to improve vision: 11 home remedies to improve eye health Acupressure for eye health. You may have heard of acupressure, which involves applying pressure to points in the body to boost circulation and promote healing. Eye-friendly nutrients. Exercise for your eyes. Healthy daily habits. Cool your feet. Walk 40 minutes. Take a break. Get tested for glaucoma. Eat sunshine colored foods. Get wraparound protection.

    What herbs are good for eyesight?

    Wild Asparagus. Wild asparagus, also known as shatavari, is another excellent home remedy to improve eyesight. According to Ayurveda, this medicinal herb is said to promote a long, healthy life of the eyes. Mix one teaspoon of wild asparagus with one-half teaspoon of honey.

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    What are home remedies for dry eyes?

    Treatments for Dry Eyes. There are numerous ways to treat the condition of dry eyes that include the use of eye drops,lenses,therapies,massages,lavender oil,castor oil,among

  • Home Remedies for Dry Eyes. You can also try the various home remedies available for dry eyes that can be implemented at home.
  • Things to Avoid.