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Is it bad to store your gun with the slide back?

Is it bad to store your gun with the slide back?

Short answer: No, you are not harming the recoil spring or any other part of the pistol by storing it this way. There is a popular misconception that springs are worn down more quickly by keeping them compressed.

What happens to a gun if you don’t clean it?

They leave behind remnants of carbon from the gunpowder, as well as trace amounts of lead and copper. The residual fouling can build up in the barrel, affecting your precision and potentially your handgun’s reliability. Failure to fire: Failure to fire is a common issue with guns that don’t see regular cleaning.

Is it bad to keep Glock magazines fully loaded?

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When it becomes apparent that the spring is “done”, either replace it, or replace the entire magazine. When left loaded to full capacity and not used, most magazines will very slowly lose some amount of spring tension over time. So just to be safe, the best practice is to rotate the magazines periodically.

Are cable locks bad for your gun?

In the end, neither a trigger lock or a cable lock should be your only form of safety for your firearm. cable lock, either should be your first form of defense when it comes to gun safety. If you truly want to keep your firearm, and your family, safe, then you should consider a gun safe.

What can be used to clean guns?

From your bathroom, you need a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. That’s it. Two simple, everyday household products that when mixed together in a 50/50 solution will eat away metal deposits in your gun, clean burned particles of metal and gunpowder that stain your gun’s innards, and make the outside portions shine like new.

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How often should a gun be oiled?

Oil Your Handgun on a Fairly Regular Basis If you regularly do more intense range sessions or bullseye shooting, it’s a good idea to oil your handgun at least once every 1–2 weeks. It’s especially important to do this during the hotter and more humid months of the year to ward off damage from excess moisture.