
How do you play violin without disturbing?

How do you play violin without disturbing?

These tips will help you practice your violin quietly so the sound won’t disturb others in the home or neighborhood.

  1. Use A Practice Mute. A practice mute is a piece of rubber or metal that can be attached to the bridge of the violin.
  2. Use A Silent Violin.
  3. Use An Electric Violin.
  4. Think About Where You Are Practising.

How loud is a violin with a mute?

Violin mutes drastically reduce noise levels. While normal sound levels for a violin are at 90 dB and up, mutes bring it down to 60-75 dB – about the same sound as a normal conversation.

How do you make a violin sound beautiful?

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  1. 1. “ Open up” the sound on your cheap violin.
  2. Invest in good violin strings.
  3. Use a different rosin on your violin bow.
  4. Upgrading your violin bow can make your cheap violin sound better.
  5. A new bridge for your cheap violin can bring out it’s true colors.
  6. Check the position of your soundpost.
  7. Summing up.
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Why does my violin sound airy?

Airy sound. You’re playing too lightly at the upper half of the bow. The upper half is very light. Your right index finger will need to transfer the pressure onto the bow correctly when playing in the upper half to counteract the lightness.

How can I improve my fingering skills?

  1. 11 Violin Fingering Tips that Every Player Should Practice.
  2. Choose the Right Violin for Your Fingers.
  3. Lift Left Knuckles.
  4. Keep a Loose Thumb.
  5. Use Tape to Mark Finger Placement on the Fingerboard.
  6. Memorize the Finger Names.
  7. Use the Fingers to Guide You to Your Next Move.
  8. Finger Strengthening.

How can I play the violin fast and cleanly?

Try to hit each note on the same spot on your fingertip every time. Use firm articulation, (little hammer strikes) but try to minimize the force of the hammer strike. (I think of little mice feet running along!) Now, the other main hindrance to clean, fast playing in violin is Left/Right Hand coordination.

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Why do people get stuck in violin playing and quit?

The nr 1 reason why people get stuck in violin playing and quit is that they don’t practice consistently, don’t see results and lose motivation. If you’re not willing to play the violin daily, think very hard if you want to play this instruments.

Is it possible to master the violin by yourself?

There won’t be a day that you master the violin, can play everything and are endlessly happy with your own playing. Even the most famous soloists have critique on their own playing and improve themselves are day. Most of them take lessons or ask collegues for advice. We are all students and we stay students.

What is speed on the violin?

Speed on the violin involves basically 2 things: It involves learning to quickly put the fingers down, and quickly lift the fingers up, at the right time, and with the right energy. In other words, left hand articulation. It also involves getting the BOW and LEFT HAND perfectly in sync.

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