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Why would you like to visit Germany?

Why would you like to visit Germany?

Germany is a diverse country with many attractions! The combination of old world charm and modern urban cities make it an ideal destination for travelers. With a wide array of food, accomodations and drink options, Germany is traditionally less expensive to travel to than its other European counterparts.

Why Germany is a good place to live?

Germany has one of the best standards of living in the world. Cities like Munich, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf rank in the top 10 of the cities with the best quality of life in 2019. Overall Germany has a clean environment, low crime rates, lots of leisure-time and cultural attractions and well-developed infrastructure.

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What is it like working in Germany?

German work culture has a reputation for being formal, sensible, and compartmentalised. We’ve all heard the stereotypes: Joking around in the workplace is less common than in English-speaking countries. Days start early, but generally work gets left in the workplace and employees free time is respected.

What is it like living in Germany?

Life is pretty busy in Germany as in any other place. But in general, there is peace and quiet anywhere you go. Except for the clubs, which will rave with techno music. Other than that, you will find that Germans love their silence, that there is low corruption, and that it won’t be that difficult to find a job.

What is the culture like in Germany?

Germany is known for its long and rich history, one that has put it at the forefront of European thought, politics, and art for over 1,000 years. This history has shaped a culture that combines predominantly Christian values with literature, art, philosophy, logic, reason, and, of course, a love of beer and sausages.

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Why should you visit Germany?

Apart from its breathtaking attractions, exceptional festivities, and multi-cultural diversity, you will surely witness a lot more of Germany when you visit. Here are 5 reasons why you should visit Germany. Share this article! 1. Rich In Historical Attractions There are over 42 official UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Germany.

When is the best time of year to visit Germany?

There’s a lot to see and do in Germany and plenty of tourists from other countries in Europe come to visit the whole year round, so low season here is fairly short – roughly from January to April, not including the two weeks of Easter holiday in there somewhere. All in all, off-season travel to Germany is highly recommended.

What is it like to live in Germany?

Germans are very straightforward and have no problems in sharing a piece of their mind when they catch you talking about them. In Germany, quiet hours are regulated by law which effectively means: no loud music, drilling, or vacuuming on Sundays. Or between 1pm and 3pm. Or between 10pm and 7am the following morning.

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Is Germany a first rate travel destination?

There’s no way around it: Germany has firmly established itself as a first rate travel destination, not just for the well-informed few but for the happy-go-lucky crowds of tourists from all over the world too; in case anyone wonders why: this country has much more to it than meets the eye (no rhyme intended).