
What is the least favorite Harry Potter character?

What is the least favorite Harry Potter character?

Harry Potter: The Most Disliked Characters, Ranked By Evilness

  1. 1 Dolores Umbridge. Without a doubt, Dolores Umbridge is the most hated character in the Harry Potter universe.
  2. 2 Voldemort.
  3. 3 Bellatrix Lestrange.
  4. 4 Fenrir Greyback.
  5. 5 Barty Crouch Jr.
  6. 6 Lucius Malfoy.
  7. 7 Peter Pettigrew.
  8. 8 Pansy Parkinson.

Who is the most hated character in Harry Potter?

16 Most Hated Harry Potter Characters, Ranked. 1 16 PERCY WEASLEY. As the no-nonsense, straight-as-an-arrow member of the Weasley family, Percy Weasley greatly differs from his liberal-minded, 2 15 CORNELIUS FUDGE. 3 14 HORACE SLUGHORN. 4 13 DUDLEY DURSLEY. 5 12 VERNON AND PETUNIA DURSLEY.

Which Harry Potter character do you Remember the most?

There’s the most obvious – Harry, Ron and Hermione – but in fact, many would say that the characters they remember and love the most were secondary. So without further ado, here is a ranking of the top 30 Harry Potter characters from worst to best. Buckle up, wizards! Or shall we say, hop on your broomsticks!

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Why aren’t we highlighting the classic villains in the Harry Potter series?

We aren’t really highlighting the classic villains in this tale today, because quite honestly, some of those characters – Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape – are incredibly entertaining. Even if we are rooting against them (and we are), there is something about them that intrigues us and stretches beyond just pure evilness.

Is Hedwig the most underrated character in Harry Potter?

Hedwig, in true howl fashion, cannot speak and she’s probably the most underrated in the Wizarding World. But that doesn’t make her any less important in Harry’s long quest against evil. Though she’s easy to ignore, Hedwig is always by his side from the first movie to the last, all the way to her heartbreaking sacrifice.