
Is it your most welcome or you are most welcome?

Is it your most welcome or you are most welcome?

Both are correct, with contextual differences. You’re most welcome would generally be used in response to an expression of thanks. I thank you so much for that lovely dinner. You’re most welcome.

What is more than welcome?

1. To received very cordially or with great pleasure in some place, especially a home. You’re more than welcome to stay here anytime, Ned—I hope you know that. 2. To be under no obligation whatsoever for the courtesy or favor received.

What to reply when someone says you are most welcome?

When someone says welcome to you, you can say following, depending upon situation:

  • Thanks. (Casually)
  • I’m much obliged (when someone welcoming you is higher in status)
  • I appreciate your welcome (In relations)
  • I feel honoured, thanks (Public Speaking)

What we can say instead of welcome?

In addition to saying my preferred, “It was my pleasure,” you also can say “Not a problem,” “Anytime,” “Don’t mention it,” “you got it,” or “sure,” among others.

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What do we say instead of welcome?

What does you are very welcome mean?

In case it’s not clear, “you’re welcome” means something like “no problem”, or “it’s a pleasure”, or “no trouble”, or “no worries”, or “sure” or something along those lines. Which in turn are mainly just socially acceptable ways of grunting. You’re most more than very welcome.

How to say “you are welcome”?

10 amazing Ways to Say “You’re Welcome” My pleasure. This is probably the most formal and gracious option on the list. Not at all. This is also a very polite option, and you would normally use it after performing a service for someone. Don’t mention it. Happy to help. No problem/Not a problem. No worries. Anytime. It’s nothing. Sure/yep. That’s okay/that’s alright.

What is the definition of you are welcome?

Definition of you’re welcome. —used as a response after being thanked by someone “Thanks for the ride.”. “You’re welcome.”.

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What does your welcome mean?

welcome(Noun) The act of greeting someone’s arrival, especially by saying “Welcome!”; reception. welcome(Noun) The utterance of such a greeting. welcome(Verb) to affirm or greet the arrival of someone, especially by saying “Welcome!”.