
What should I reply to Where have you been?

What should I reply to Where have you been?

Here are some possible replies: I am sorry. I have been/was cleaning my home. I have been/was at home.

Where have you been all this while which sentence?

Answer: it’s an interrogative sentence.

How do you use where have you been?

By asking “where have you been” you are inquiring of all the places the person visited during the absence. Perhaps the person stayed home and never went anywhere, or have traveled to the moon. The point is, you do not know where they have been, and you want to find out.

Where have you been where were you difference?

“Where were you?” is for specific point in the past (Present perfect tense). “Where have you been?” is used for a period of time (Simple past tense).

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How have you been or being?

As a rule, the word been is always used after have (in any form, e.g., has, had, will have). The word being is never used after have. Being is used after to be (in any form, e.g., is, was, were).

How do you respond to “how are You?

Every single time you meet them, people ask the same questions – “How are you?” “How have you been?” and “Are you doing well?”. The answers to these are most often, “I am fine, thanks.”. Boring. This is exactly why you should keep a few different replies to “How are you?” ready.

Is the ‘busy’ response to “you’re busy” a problem?

After all, the ‘busy’ response suggests you have a problem with over-commitment. Why not admit to other ways you’re overdoing it? Haven’t you been keeping up with me on Facebook, Instagram, or my blog?

How do you answer how are you doing well?

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Every single time you meet them, people ask the same questions – “How are you?” “How have you been?” and “Are you doing well?”. The answers to these are most often, “I am fine, thanks.”. Boring. This is exactly why you should keep a few different replies to “How are you?” ready. You are too cool to give the same,

Do you share where you are with a nosy person?

You may have been out having a late night with your friends and you are feeling fantastic until you get the text, “Where were you?” Unless you are in a seriously committed relationship you are under no obligation to share where you are every minute of the day with a nosy person.