
What does it say about you if you own a German shepherd?

What does it say about you if you own a German shepherd?

German Shepherd You are the type of woman that is strong and dependable, and often times acts like a lighthouse that helps to beam people home. Just like your tenacious and focused dog, you know what needs to happen to get the job done, and people can rely on you to take charge and lead the pack.

What kind of person has a German shepherd?

The German Shepherd personality is aloof but not usually aggressive. They’re reserved dogs; they don’t make friends immediately, but once they do, they’re extremely loyal. With their family, they’re easy-going and approachable, but when threatened, they can be strong and protective, making them excellent watchdogs.

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Why are German Shepherds bad for first time owners?

Due to poor breeding practices, German Shepherds are also prone to certain genetic health problems, such as hip dysplasia. It’s therefore important to choose a reputable breeder and avoid commercial dog breeding facilities such as puppy farms.

Why does my German Shepherd nibble on me?

Nibbling is the gentle bite your dog will make on your body, especially on your toes! This German Shepherd behavior is generally considered an instinctual behavior characterizing puppies of all breeds, especially during teething. But German Shepherd Dogs tend to bring this “growing up” behavior into their adult life.

What are the bad things about German Shepherds?

Health problems. The GSD is not a dog for those who just want to plunk down cash for the first puppy they see and head home (in fact, you should never do this with any puppy, for a number of reasons). German Shepherds, like any large breed, are prone to canine hip dysplasia, a crippling and potentially fatal disease.

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Is a German Shepherd the right dog for You?

If you are single and looking for a buddy, a German Shepherd may be the right dog for you, but if you are looking for a family dog, this may not be the right breed for your family. When a German Shepherd’s protective nature goes into overdrive, they can become aggressive towards things you don’t want them to be aggressive towards.

Can a German Shepherd protect a family from being robbed?

One family avoided being robbed, and possibly even worse, because of their German Shepherd, Moti’s bravery! Moti jumped into action, barking and trying to protect his family when man with a gun broke into the family’s home.

How to take care of a German Shepherd?

Your GSD will create his own work if you cannot find work for him! A doggy sport or activity such as tracking, obedience training, flyable, Schutzhund, flying disc, herding, therapy work or similar is absolutely necessary to keep your shepherd happy and healthy. GSDs also have a tendency to be vocal.

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Do German shepherds give new people the stink eye?

They may love you and your family, but they may give all new people the stink eye. The good thing is, over time they may warm up to someone if they are around a lot, but don’t expect your German Shepherd to be a wagging tail welcome party for your guests.