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What is the relationship between Peter Parker and Tony Stark?

What is the relationship between Peter Parker and Tony Stark?

The MCU cast Tony Stark as a mentor and quasi-father figure to Peter Parker. In the absence of Uncle Ben, who has different versions in comics and media but so far none in the MCU, Tony became the man Peter has looked up to.

Is Spider-Man Tony Starks kid?

Though not biologically connected, Peter often referred as Tony’s son because Tony’s is the one who was there for him, as a fatherly figure. In MCUs version, Aunt May is the one who raise Peter and he does not have any father figure that he can look up too.

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Originally Answered: Why do MCU fans say Tony Stark is a father figure to Peter Parker when he ignored Peter Parker’s calls throughout Spider-Man Homecoming? In the MCU Tony is considered a father figure to him because he is constantly trying to teach him how to be responsible as an avenger and superhero in general.

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What is the relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker like?

Tony Stark and Peter Parker’s Mentor/Mentee Relationship Was Birthed In Comics Most MCU fans are aware that Tony created the Iron-Spider suit for Peter in comics, but there’s also a belief that the similarities between the two characters’ comic and film relationship ends there – and for good reason, too.

What happened to Peter Parker in ‘Spider-Man Homecoming’?

At the beginning of Spider-Man: Homecoming, we pick up exactly where Peter Parker’s Civil War arc left off, with Happy Hogan flying him back to Queens from Berlin and Tony Stark dropping him off at Aunt May’s apartment. When they arrive at the building, Tony reaches for the door and Peter mistakenly thinks he’s going in for a hug.

Why did Peter Parker turn down his spot on the Avengers?

Only just before defeating Vulture, Peter learns that Adrian Toomes is but a monster of Tony’s own making; a corrupted soul who feels slighted by Iron Man’s direct actions. Peter’s turning down his spot on the Avengers in Homecoming echoes his sentiment in Annual #3 because in both instances Peter sees the ethical greyness in being an Avenger.

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Is Tony Stark a replacement for Uncle Ben in the MCU?

Some fans even believe Tony is a replacement for uncle Ben in the MCU. Tony Stark and Peter Parker’s relationship surely blossomed over the movies and we see the role it plays in maturing the younger avenger in his latest standalone venture, ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’. What’s next for Spider-Man?