
How long does it take to finish CS50 course?

How long does it take to finish CS50 course?

Harvard’s survey of its own students shows they average about 10 hours per pset assignment. On top of that, the lectures are around 2 hours per week plus a final project to complete at the end. So it’s reasonable to expect the whole course to take 100 to 200 hours, depending on your skill level starting out.

How do I check the progress of my CS50?

You can also check your progress at https://cs50.me/cs50w after having completed the instructions in Project 0. Check your email for a confirmation from Google that you submitted a project’s form. Check your gradebook at cs50.me/cs50w after your work has been graded for your latest status in the course.

What age is CS50 for?

CS50x is perhaps best suited for ages 12 and up. Some of the software tools that the course uses require a minimum age of 13 to sign up. Therefore, younger students might need a hand from a parent in getting set up.

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Which CS50 course should I take first?

Currently, CS50 only offers one basic course. It can be seen as an optional on-ramp to CS50’s core courses. If you don’t feel ready for a formal introduction to computer science, this is a good place to start. CS50T is a gentle introduction to the world of computing.

Is my child too young to take CS50x?

Is my child too young to take CS50x? CS50x is perhaps best suited for ages 12 and up. Some of the software tools that the course uses require a minimum age of 13 to sign up. Therefore, younger students might need a hand from a parent in getting set up.

What is CS50 at Harvard University?

Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard, better known as CS50, is the largest course on the Harvard campus and more than 2,000,000 learners worldwide have registered for the course on edX.

What is css50 Stack Exchange?

CS50 Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students of Harvard University’s CS50. It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign up to join this community Anybody can ask a question