
Is nirvana a desire?

Is nirvana a desire?

nirvana is then explained to mean a state of “without desire, without love, without wish” and one without craving or thirst (taṇhā);

What does Buddhism say about desire?

In Buddhism, desire and ignorance lie at the root of suffering. By desire, Buddhists refer to craving pleasure, material goods, and immortality, all of which are wants that can never be satisfied. As a result, desiring them can only bring suffering.

What happens in Nirvana?

The escape from samsara is called Nirvana or enlightenment. Once Nirvana is achieved, and the enlightened individual physically dies, Buddhists believe that they will no longer be reborn. Nirvana means realising and accepting the Four Noble Truths and being awake to reality.

Is enlightenment and Nirvana the same?

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Nirvana is about losing vices, becoming unattached and becoming free; Enlightenment is about acquiring light/wisdom. There is no difference between them, he who gains wisdom invariably loses attachment. In the Bhagavad Gita Nirvana and Moksha are used interchangeably to mean the same.

Is Buddhism opposed to desire?

One of the central tenets of Buddhism is that tanha, or desire, leads to dukkha, or suffering. Much of Buddhism, as it was originally conceived, is about eliminating suffering, in part by eliminating desire. If you extinguish all suffering, you reach Nirvana.

How do Buddhist overcome desires?

The Buddha taught that the way to extinguish desire, which causes suffering, is to liberate oneself from attachment. This is the third Noble Truth – the possibility of liberation. The Buddha was a living example that this is possible in a human lifetime.

Why is nirvana called Nirvana?

Why were they called Nirvana? Cobain has said Nirvana settled on that name because he “wanted a name that was kind of beautiful or nice and pretty instead of a mean, raunchy punk name like the Angry Samoans”. Before they became Nirvana, the band were known as Skid Row, Fecal Matter and Ted Ed Fred.

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What is a example of Nirvana?

(Buddhism) Complete cessation of suffering; a blissful state attained through realization of sunyata; enlightened experience. Nirvana is a place or state of being in peace or complete happiness. An example of nirvana is how people feel after meditating for hours. An example of nirvana is heaven.

Is Nirvana a desire or a desire?

Yes, you’re perfectly correct. Nirvana is a desire that usually stems out of an effort to sanctify and save oneself. In fact, you could call even call it a very selfish or at least egocentric desire. Your question maps your key concepts of Desire and Nirvana as an unresolvable paradox.

Is the desire to cease desire a desire?

This is primarily a semantical issue. Yes, the desire to cease desire is a desire. But the Buddha was not snubbing desires wholesale. In fact, according to the Vajrayana understanding your desires can be your greatest teachers along the path to enlightenment.

Is the pursuit of experiencing Brahman a desire?

Yes the pursuit of experiencing Brahman is a desire. However, it is truthful and pure desire to spread the good as opposed to a selfish one of trying to avoid his/her life duty and purpose by wasting a good life and body gifted to him/her by weaseling themself into semi-sentience his/her whole life.