
Is it better to study computer science or engineering?

Is it better to study computer science or engineering?

If you are more into software than hardware, then computer science may serve you well. On the other hand, if hardware interests you more than software does, then computer engineering may prove to be the better choice.

How do I choose between computer science and engineering?

Computer science focuses mostly on troubleshooting issues on a software level. Expect to learn different programming languages, how to work with operating systems, and how to maintain databases. Computer engineering focuses on solving problems and designing hardware and software interfaces.

Is computer science as hard as engineering?

Computer engineering is harder than computer science but not by much. A computer engineering degree is more difficult than a computer science one because you have to take more math courses, additional electrical engineering classes, and several practical lab sessions.

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Is Computer Engineering hard in India?

Answer. No dear, Computer science engineering most easy branch of engineering…it is easier than mechanical and electrical engineering or civil engineering… In cse there are you learn programming languages like c ,c++ ,pop, oop , java, ulsi , VLSI etc…

Is computer engineering hard in India?

How much does it cost to study be Computer Science in India?

The April session of the JEE Main exam has been delayed and is now expected to take place from July 18 to 23, 2020. Many reputed engineering colleges and institutes offer BE Computer Science courses in India. The average fees for the complete course range between INR 3 lakhs to INR 8 lakhs, depending on the institute.

What are the most popular entrance exams for be computer science?

Some of the most popular entrance exams for the BE Computer Science course are discussed below: JEE Main – Conducted by the National Testing Agency, Joint Entrance Exam Main is one of the largest engineering entrance exams in India. Every year, more than 10,00,000 aspirants register for this exam.

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What is the duration of a be computer science course?

It deals with the design, maintenance, construction and operation of computer hardware and software. The duration of this course is 4 years which are divided into 8 semesters. Check out the top BE Computer Science Colleges in India.

What can I do after be computer science?

After BE Computer Science, a lot of options for higher studies are also available. Some of them are MS or MSc in IT or CS, MTech CS, MBA IT, among others. Many candidates also consider going for IT official positions in the Air Forces, Navy and Indian Army. Admission to BE Computer Science is mainly based on the entrance examination score.