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Can you hide accepted friend requests on Facebook?

Can you hide accepted friend requests on Facebook?

Click “Only Me” from the “Who can see your full friends list on your timeline” section. Any new as well as past friend requests that you accept will no longer appear on your timeline.

Why am I suddenly getting more friend requests on Facebook?

The influx of friend requests for verified users is “likely due to recent search changes” on the platform, Facebook says, which were intended to more prominently surface search results for verified accounts over unverified ones.

Are you notified when someone accepts your friend request?

When you request a friend on Facebook, you are only notified of the status of your request if the person accepted the request. Facebook users who receive requests have the option of not taking action on your request or denying it.

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Should I let my boyfriend friend other girls on social media?

With that in mind, you have to trust him enough to let him decide if he wants to friend other girls, even if those girls like him. If he is meant for you, then a simple social media friendship will not sway him from you. On the other hand, what if he is meant to be with the new girl who friended him?

What’s wrong with being a friend on Facebook?

Perhaps by friending them on Facebook you may discover you do not like them after all. Or perhaps it may develop into something more. The point is there is nothing wrong with being their friend on a social media account. It is a social media place, it is cyberspace. There is no actual face-to-face communicating (unless you have Skype and a webcam).

Is it wrong to ask a girlfriend-Ed Guy to be your friend?

Most men and women can have friends of the opposite sex while still maintaining a relationship if they respect each other’s boundaries. . In this age of mass Tecno communications, the right or wrong in the case of asking a girlfriend-ed guy (who you like) to be your friend on social media seems ridiculous.

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