
Did Draupadi get moksha?

Did Draupadi get moksha?

All Pandavas were sons of gods and came to earth to fulfill their aim (reduce the burden of the evil kshatriyas from Earth). Having achieved their task, the four younger Pandava brothers and their wife Draupadi attained Mukti or Moksha. Yudhisthira, the eldest is the only human who ascended the heavens in bodily form.

Can Lord Krishna give moksha?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that one should give up everything and surrender to Him, and if one were to do this, moksha is assured. He knows that Krishna is the Supreme One, the only One capable of granting moksha. …

Who goes to Vaikuntha?

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Even birds and the beasts can go to Sri Vaikuntha, if someone does the act of surrender on their behalf. The Jiva is denoted by common nouns such as animal, bird, plant, tree and man.

Did Arjuna have Vaishnavastra?

In Tretayug Meghanath had it and in Dwaparyug Arjun had it. But there is no reason to believe he had Narayanastra or Vaishnavastra. Perhaps with Narayan himself with him, not possessing Narayanastra would not have made any difference.

Who can get moksha?

Anyone who dies here breaks the cycle of life and achieves moksha (enlightenment or release). It is important to remember that Hinduism is not only a religion but also a cultural way of life.

What does Bhagavad Gita say about moksha?

The Bhagavad Gita recognizes liberation (moksha) as the supreme goal. The Bhagavad Gita describes liberation or moksha as the attainment of individual’s natural state by relinquishing its imposed state. Liberation is the supreme and highest status beyond good and evil.

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Why is attaining moksha so important?

Attaining Moksha or salvation is important for liberating the soul from the eternal cycle of birth and rebirth. Since our soul is eternal and never dies, it simply passes on to another body. The Bhagavad Gita states that just like a man sheds off its old clothes and wears new ones, so does the soul.

Will Karna also get moksha?

Hence when the Sun (or Surya deva) gets Moksha, Karna will also get Moksha. There are multiple examples of amalgamation and redistribution of consciousness from 1 to many bodies and many bodies to 1, which I tried to discuss in this post – Is there a possibility of GRADUAL conversion of “Purusha” to “Jeeva-s” and similar gradual return?:

Why did Bhishma and Drona not attain moksha?

Great knowledgeable persons like Bhishma, Drona, Karna and others from Satya, Treta and Dwapara yugas didn’t attain moksha; they went only to heaven. Since vedic knowledge and righteousness was widely spread in the previous yugas, people would have been fully aware of the path to liberation.

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Who at Vaikundam attained moksha according to Vaishnavism?

Only NITYASSORIS at vaikundam attained moksha according to vaishnav sidhanta. All character in Mahabharata fall into three modes of tamsic, rajasic and satvic and its combination. Very few or nobody transcend these three gunas and they go to moksha.