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Can PHP and JavaScript work together?

Can PHP and JavaScript work together?

Although you cannot make both JS and PHP function run at the same time but you can do it in a different way. The usual way to do it is to call a PHP function from JS function.

What is the difference between HTML CSS JavaScript and PHP?

1. CSS represents the style and the appearance of content like font, color, margin, padding, etc. PHP is used for server-side programming which will interact with databases to retrieve information, storing, email sending, and provides content to HTML pages to display on the screen.

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Why would you use both PHP and JavaScript?

PHP is a server-side scripting language while JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. In fact, the most dynamic website is created when we use functions of both these languages together. PHP can handle forms, save data to a file, return data to the user, gather data from files, etc.

Can I get a job with HTML CSS and Javascript?

In short, you can definitely find work using just HTML and CSS. And if those foundational skills aren’t enough to get you your dream job, you can still use them to start making money while you’re building other skills.

How does HTML interact with PHP?

PHP processor scans the page, line by line. It build a processed HTML page. If it finds HTML, it passes that on as part of the processed HTML page it is building. If it finds PHP scripts, the PHP processor may or may not output HTML.

How do PHP and HTML work together?

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It build a processed HTML page. If it finds HTML, it passes that on as part of the processed HTML page it is building. If it finds PHP scripts, the PHP processor may or may not output HTML. When the PHP processor is done, the processed page is handed to the web server for sending to the browser.

What is the difference between HTML5 and CSS and JavaScript?

HTML is a markup language and CSS is a styling language. JavaScript, however, is a programming language. Hence, they are all web languages, but they perform different jobs. For those that are new to web design the easiest way to understand this relationship is to look at an analogy that will break it down into bite-size chunks.

What happens when you add JavaScript to HTML and CSS?

So when you add JavaScript to HTML and CSS, it transforms the body from being a beautifully dressed mannequin into a real-life walking talking human being. It animates the body, giving it lifelike qualities. JavaScript can also be compared to a fully functional body that has the ability to interact.

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Why do we need to link CSS to HTML?

In order to make use of the CSS capabilities it needs to be linked within the HTML content so that style can be added to the website. CSS will tell the browser how to display the existing HTML. CSS can be compared to adding personal style to the body. When you link CSS to HTML, it’s like dressing up the body.

What are some examples of websites made from HTML CSS and JavaScript?

Here we see a website which consists of HTML, CSS and JavaScript: If you look at this example of twitter, JavaScript allows you to expand the tweet to see re-tweets, to set a tweet as a favourite and more. A popular JavaScript App is Google Maps. In some countries, access to the internet has become a basic human right.