Tips and tricks

Which country has best job opportunities for Indian?

Which country has best job opportunities for Indian?

7 Best Countries to Live and Work for Indians

  1. State of Qatar.
  2. United Arab Emirates.
  3. Kingdom of Belgium.
  4. Republic of Singapore.
  5. Federative Republic of Brazil.
  6. Negara Brunei Darussalam.
  7. Republic of South Africa.

Are students more beneficial in India or abroad?

With the various funding and scholarship opportunities available, it is definitely a better option to go abroad for higher studies. You may also choose to complete your basic undergraduate degree in India, secure a job, work for three to four years, save money and fund your postgraduate study abroad.

Is studying in USA a good option for Indian students?

Studying in USA will be the great option for the Indian students who always struggle to get best quality of education. Almost 10 Lakhs international students have already been enrolled for the various courses in American universities. They provide a diverse range of courses for local & international students.

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Is it better to study abroad or come back to India?

You have better chances of coming back with far more saving than you would have in India. I have come across so many people who studied and worked in the US and then they came back to India and grabbed super good positions (Vice President, Senior Manager, CFO).

Is it good to study in USA as a foreign student?

It is a dream of every Indian student to study in USA. America is one of the supower nations among all the nations and hence it is the favourite educational destination for all foreign students. Studying in USA is always worth commendable as it offers various options for professional opportunities.

How can I settle down in India as a student?

At the same time, if you wish to settle down in India, focusing on Indian market, you better enroll for one in the country itself. That will have you in good stead when you go up the career ladder. Course expenses as well as living expenses are much less as compared to what you would be shelling out living in a foreign land.