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Can INTPs and INFPs be friends?

Can INTPs and INFPs be friends?

INTPs trust INFPs who can learn to be more assertive, while INFPs are likely to trust INTPs who are caring and considerate toward them. They are also likely to trust each other the more they find ways to relate, like through new experiences and one-on-one time that encourage and excite both of them.

Do Infp get hurt easily?

Because INFPs are naturally sensitive, they may be more easily hurt by blunt criticism than others. INFPs tend to take critical feedback personally and are likely to feel upset or attacked by it.

Are INTP and INFP similar?

INTPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking and Perceiving) and INFPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving) are two personalities that, at first glance, share many similarities. In spite of their similarities, INTPs and INFPs perceive the world differently. INTPs are logic oriented.

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How do INTPs act when they are hurt?

INTPs can often retreat inward if their feelings have been hurt by someone. They will attempt to ignore these emotions for awhile, in hopes of moving on from it. If the INTP is not capable of bottling up their emotions, they will likely try to logically understand what they are going through.

What do INFPs do when they are hurt?

If someone close to the INFP hurts them, they will likely retreat inward for a while. The INFP might even avoid people for a few days, especially the person who has harmed them. They will likely run through what happened in their minds and might even consider if they are to blame.

What are INFPs like in relationships?

INFPs take their close relationships very seriously, which can often cause them to get hurt feelings rather easily. They can be sensitive to the words and actions of others, and this is because they love very deeply. If someone close to the INFP hurts them, they will likely retreat inward for a while.

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What do intjs do when they are hurt?

They often retreat when they are feeling emotional pain, and need time by themselves to process what they are feeling. INTJs take almost everything as a learning experience- and even though they are crushed, they will find a way to grow from the situation. After some time alone to reflect, the INTJ will likely approach the person who hurt them.