Tips and tricks

Why does my BF keep bringing up my past?

Why does my BF keep bringing up my past?

When they are bringing up your past mistakes, they are often talking to themselves about the areas of their lives they think they need to improve but haven’t made progress. If they are not someone you trust, their motives could be to embarrass or control you.

What do you do when your partner wont forgive you?

How Do You Deal With Someone Who Won’t Forgive You

  1. Fully forgive yourself and you won’t need their forgiveness.
  2. Think about how you might have apologized.
  3. Forgive yourself first.
  4. Allow them the time to process.
  5. Make a plan to come back to them at some time but keep moving on and keep healing.
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How can I help my partner get over my past?

Dealing with Jealousy About Your Partner’s Past

  1. Accept it.
  2. Swap places.
  3. Don’t snoop.
  4. Talk it out.
  5. Accept their answers.
  6. Pinpoint the issue.
  7. Know your worth.
  8. Reframe things.

How to forgive your boyfriend when he doesn’t want to hurt you?

Forgive him for not making his issues your issues because he knows that it’s wrong and unfair of him to do that. Forgive him for keeping you at a distance instead of bringing you closer because he doesn’t want to hurt you when he’s hurting. Forgive him when he doesn’t know how to ask you for help when he is in-need so he pretends he’s okay instead.

Should you forgive a man who keeps things from you?

Don’t forgive a man who keeps things from you, who only tells you false things about him so you think he’s better than who he actually is. Don’t forgive a man who manipulates you to stay with him, who keeps you in the dark. Forgive him for thinking you are going to do him like everyone else did.

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Why can’t I accept that my partner has a past?

People who cannot accept that their partner has a past are most likely trying to be in control and/or to deal with their own insecurities. Either way, that is their problem and not their partner’s. The only way partners can deal with such a situation is to set boundaries around the topic and make it off-limits.

How do I Forgive my Boyfriend for asking me questions?

Forgive him for asking you questions that he already asked before because he’s traumatized. Forgive him for being on the edge at times because he’s still learning how to live with his anxiety. Forgive him when he says mean things but hold him accountable for what he says because that’s not acceptable.