
How long does TH9 Max 2021 take?

How long does TH9 Max 2021 take?

If you play the game regularly foralmost 5 hours a day then it will take around 5–6 months to completely max out town hall 9.

How many days does it take to max out TH9?

However, if the base is entirely rushed, it might take more than one year for one to max out the TH9 base! If one has three or four builders, it would take around five to eight months to max the base. Now, let us move into some related questions that come to most of the players’ minds in Town Hall 9.

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Is Rush base good in COC?

So, you can see, when you control for the most important factor (the player) it is obviously better if you rush your base, at least in Clan War League and for resource raiding, which are the most important game elements for long-term account maxing.

What is considered rushed CoC?

Rushed means to go too quickly. Same is the case in CoC. A player is called rushed in CoC when he/she keeps levelling up his/her Town Hall and storages without/seldomly upgrading his/her defences and other buildings. A player belonging to this kind of player is called a RUSHED base.

What is the max level for town hall 9?

Max levels of Heroes in TH9

Hero Max Level
Barbarian King 30
Archer Queen 30

Why should you not rush in COC?

You should never rush you base else you would lag behind a lot and it won’t even be fun to play as even a lower TH will be able to crush you base. Never upgrade your TH unless you have maxed each and everything. It takes time but it’s worth it.

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Is it worth it to rush a base?

You will not win as many attacks as you should and will lose more. Especially with the changes to the shield system, with no possibility to get a cheap shield by exposing your Town Hall, the rushed bases will have an even bigger disadvantage.

How do I fix a rushed base?

The first step in fixing a rushed base is determining how severe the situation is: Very Rushed vs. a little-rushed vs. not maxed the previous TH Level What TH level are you? Fixing a rushed TH10 base is hard, a rushed TH6 base is fixed very quickly

Is it better to start from scratch or rush for th12?

Even the worst rushed base would reach maxed TH12 faster than starting from scratch. Contrary to what people believe, rushing doesn’t result in slower progress, it is actually the inverse. I would only advice to start over if you have no capability to buy gems and if you only have 2-3 builders at a high level.

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What is a rushed base in Clash of clans?

A rushed base is one of the worst problems a Clasher can have in Clash of Clans. The thing this is not like a bad attacking style or a mistake in base design – these are things that can be corrected quickly. A rushed base is something that develops over the time and once you have it you will have a slower gaming progress and worst case no more fun.