
Do I have to be a genius to be a programmer?

Do I have to be a genius to be a programmer?

Yes, you need at least enough intelligence to understand what the code means and to type it in. Probably being smart enough to understand what you were building would be a good thing, too.

Who is the most genius programmer?

12 Greatest Programmers of all Time

  • Guido van Rossum.
  • Ken Thompson.
  • Donald Knuth.
  • Brian Kernighan.
  • Tim Berners-Lee.
  • Bjarne Stroustrup.
  • Linus Torvalds.
  • Dennis Ritchie. Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie was an American computer scientist who is credited for shaping and pioneering the digital era.

Can you become a ‘genius’ in programming?

If you want to become a ‘genius’ in any field, you have to work for it and programming is no different. But mastering the skill of programming is only part of the package of a great programmer. I run a company called Scalable Path that has a network of over 6,000 developers.

How can I become a great programmer?

Hire in-demand talent to keep projects moving. It takes years of hard work, studying, dedication and experience to become a great developer. If you want to become a ‘genius’ in any field, you have to work for it and programming is no different. But mastering the skill of programming is only part of the package of a great programmer.

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How do geniuses work?

Usually, people who are called “Genius” either have an almost otherworldly level of knowledge. The inventive ability to create associations between thoughts that have eluded any other person. This suggests that genius by all accounts works immediately. Geniuses seize on inventive ideas that causing the vast majority to wonder how they did it.

How long does it take to become a great developer?

It takes years of hard work, studying, dedication and experience to become a great developer. If you want to become a ‘genius’ in any field, you have to work for it and programming is no different. But mastering the skill of programming is only part of the package of a great programmer.