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What if nail helped against the Ginyu Force?

What if nail helped against the Ginyu Force?

Nail had a power level of 42,000. He would’ve been able to steamroll Zarbon and Dodoria with little difficulty since those two only had power levels of 23,000 and 22,000 respectively. Even if Zarbon transformed, the outcome wouldn’t change. It’s when you get to the Ginyu Force that Nail would have trouble.

Did Recoome beat Vegeta?

Recoome manages to beat down Vegeta until he can barely stand on his feet and it is likely that Recoome would have killed Vegeta with his Eraser Gun, had Gohan and Krillin not stepped in. While Krillin kicked Recoome from behind, Gohan pulled the wounded Vegeta out of the path of Recoome’s attack, in order to save him.

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How did Burter die DBZ?

Goku then defeats Burter with two crippling blows to the back. Shortly after, in spite of Goku’s wishes to give the Ginyu Force member a chance to redeem his selfish ways, Vegeta ruthlessly finishes the unconscious Burter by dropping his knee on Burter’s neck, breaking it and killing Burter instantly.

Was nail stronger than Vegeta?

Nail’s power level of 42,000 is 18,000 higher than even Vegeta’s initial level of 24,000 on Namek, arguably enough to put him on par with some members of the Ginyu Force depending on perspective.

How strong is Recoome?

Recoome is stated to have a power level of 71,000. Due to the fact that Frieza expected the Ginyu Force to be able to defeat Super Saiyan Goku (when they teamed up with Cell in Hell) it is likely that Recoome’s power has increased to that level.

Does Vegeta kill Recoome in DBZ?

Later, after Goku easily defeats Recoome’s comrades, Vegeta kills Burter, and then kills the unconscious Recoome from behind with a powerful Energy Wave . Recoome later travels to King Kai’s Planet with the other members of the Ginyu Force (minus Captain Ginyu himself, as he is still alive).

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How does Vegeta defeat Recoome?

The one who gives Vegeta the most difficult time is Recoome. After hitting the Strongman of the Ginyu Force with everything he’s got, Vegeta is shocked to learn that all he did was eliminate Recoomes armor. He still tries to fight, but Recoome is too strong for the cold-blooded Saiyan.

Who gives Vegeta the most difficulty in his fights?

It’s not until Hercule (or Mr. Satan) and Majin Buu interfere that the Saiyan is able to take a breather. After Vegeta gains a power boost from his fight with Zarbon, he thinks he is invincible until the Ginyu Force arrives. The one who gives Vegeta the most difficult time is Recoome.

How strong is Vegeta in Dragon Ball?

The early Namek arc has some fun putting Vegeta in the limelight. He’s significantly stronger than both Gohan & Krillin, allowing him to take on Frieza’s forces comfortably, and his villainy gives Dragon Ball an edge it often lacks. That said, Vegeta spends most of the early Namek arc fighting villains.

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