
Can you feel the presence of a dead pet?

Can you feel the presence of a dead pet?

Many pet owners report seeing, hearing, smelling or feeling the presence of their beloved pet after its death. It can be an apparition of Fluffy lying on her favorite rug or the faint clickity-clack of Sparky’s paws traipsing down the hall. Other times, it’s the distinctive odor of Fido’s fur.

Where in the Bible does it talk about animals going to heaven?

Indeed, the Bible does confirm that there are animals in Heaven. Isaiah 11:6 describes several types (predator and prey) living in peace with one another. If God created animals for the Garden of Eden to give us a picture of His ideal place, He will surely include them in Heaven, God’s perfect new Eden!

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Did your cat come back to you after death?

Yes, my cat came back to days after dieing. He was in my bed and threw himself down to the floor. Its like he was really alive. He went to lie down, like he always did.

How do you know if your pet has passed away?

A stray cat appears at your door. A new animal moves in and asks for your attention. Someone offers you to pet sit their bird. A friend needs you to foster a dog they found. You end up meeting a lot of new animals. These messengers are also signs from your deceased pet, they want you to be happy again.

What kind of visitation do cats have in the afterlife?

This is a cat-dominant one, but dogs in the afterlife will do it, too, especially if they were known for being a snuggler. A typical cat style visitation is where you will feel your cat curl up along the backs of your knees while laying down, at the foot of your beds, or along your back,…

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Do pets communicate with each other after death?

Many pet owners comment on receiving signs from their animal friends in the afterlife, ranging from songs on the radio to hearing the jingle-jangle of their collar from down the hallway. Communicating with pets after death is not unusual.