
Can GP diagnose gender dysphoria?

Can GP diagnose gender dysphoria?

Where can I get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria? While a GP is able to provide this, not many GPs feel that they have the necessary knowledge or training to ‘diagnose’. Much more work is needed in this area. Other people who can help are local endocrinologists, GPs with a special interest or other gender specialists.

How old do you have to be for GenderGP?

GenderGP treats every person as an individual. The service does not adhere to a set period of time for ‘evaluation’. There is no age restriction on accessing interventions (though medical intervention is not needed until a patient has reached at least Tanner stage 2 of puberty.

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Is GenderGP safe?

Many patients who undergo hormone therapy have concerns about how it will affect them. That’s why our number one priority at GenderGP is patient safety. Gender-affirming care, including hormone replacement therapies (HRT), has been proven to be safe over decades of successful practice.

Is GenderGP licensed in the UK?

Why is GenderGP back in the news? Despite this history, the company is currently legally providing a private health service, albeit an unconventional one, as the only private gender identity service available to U.K. people of all ages.

How expensive is GenderGP?

Subscription £30 a month – includes unlimited access to written medical advice, blood test result analysis and private prescriptions, according to need.

How long does it take to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis?

To be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a teenager or adult, you must have experienced significant distress for at least six months due to at least two of the following: marked incongruence between your experienced and expressed gender and your primary or secondary sex characteristics.

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Do you struggle to get HRT from your GP?

But many women who are going through menopause and suffering terrible symptoms struggle to get HRT from their GPs. Since 2015, NICE has recommended HRT — which comes in a pill, patch or gel — as an effective treatment for many women who have hot flushes, night sweats and low mood.

Are doctors fobbing off women asking for HRT?

According to Diane Danzebrink, a Buckinghamshire-based private psychotherapist who specialises in the menopause, many women asking for HRT and other menopause treatments are fobbed off by their doctors. ‘Women are desperate for help and there are an awful lot who want HRT but are not getting it because of poor GP education,’ she says.

Can my GP refuse to treat me?

As far as I know, GPs are not allowed to refuse treatment based on non-medical reasons (eg their own feelings or prejudices.) You need to go back and be prepared to be more assertive. Ask why it is ‘not recommended’ for a start. Unless you have risk factors then there ought to be no reason why not.

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Can I get HRT without a blood test?

Furthermore, it says women over 45 with these symptoms can be prescribed HRT without having to have a blood test — a Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) test — to check their hormone levels.