Tips and tricks

Is it bad to sleep in a finished basement?

Is it bad to sleep in a finished basement?

As long as there is minimal mold or fungi then it would be safe. Almost all basements have some mildew or fungi. As long as there isn’t a great amount you should be fine. In some cases it could benefit your health as they have more moisture content in the air.

Can you sleep in a basement?

Sleeping in an unfinished basement can harm your health and lead to respiratory problems and cancer due to the lack of natural light and air, and exposure to harmful things like radon gas, molds, dust, and chemicals. Therefore, it’s advised that you do not sleep in an unfinished basement as a rule.

Why are basements cooler in the summer?

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Simply the fact that basements are located underground makes them inherently colder. Dirt is a very good insulator. As a result, the basement will stay cold even during the summer months.

Is sleeping in a basement healthy?

While stuffy air below-grade won’t affect anyone living upstairs, it can trigger asthma attacks or other respiratory problems in those who spend time in a basement bedroom or rec room.

Why is my finished basement so cold?

Basements tend to be damper than other places in your house. This is often caused by water seeping through the concrete foundation, rising from a dirt floor or simply because of poor ventilation. This higher level of moisture in the air will end up making you feel much colder than the ambient air temperature.

What is the smell in my basement?

Usually, bad basement smells come from humidity and moisture that comes up from the ground. Because the basement is below ground level, this moisture never really goes away and just keeps accumulating. Mold and fungus grow and spread, causing the unpleasant smells.

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How do you ventilate a finished basement?

Floor fans and a dehumidifier are additional options that may help keep a basement adequately ventilated. Another option is to install exhaust fans that connect to vents located throughout the basement. These fans can be permanently installed in windows or might require cutting through a basement wall to install.